Page:Initials and pseudonyms, first series (Cushing).djvu/549

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magistrate for Kent, a J. P. and D. L. for Sussex and County Cambridge, and High-Steward of Stratford-upon-Avon.

Sadler, I; R Jacob Larwood. An English author of the day.

Safford, Mary J M. S. An Amer- ican journalist of the day.

Sage, Bernard J. P. C. Centz, bar- rister. An American lawyer and politi- cal writer, of New Orleans.

St. Albans, the Most Noble Harriet (Mellon) Coutts, Duchess of, about 1774-1837. Miss Harriet Pumpkin. An English actress ; original name, Harriet Mellon ; married Mr. Coutts, the banker, in 1815. He died in 1822, aged 87, leav- ing her 600,000. In 1827 she married William, Duke of St Albans, then in the 27th year of his age. At her death she left the bulk of her property, 1,800,000, to Miss Angela Burdett, youngest daughter of Sir Francis Bur- dett, and grand-daughter of Mr. Coutts, who in consequence took the name of Coutts.

Saint-Aubin, Karl, about 1800-65. Bernhard An eminent Danish novelist and chronicler; acquired a great literary reputation through all Europe by his novels, his little romances, full of grace, of freshness, of sentiment, and imagina- tion.

St. Aubyn, Rev. John Humphrey, 1790-1857. Lionel Bouverie. An Eng- lish clergyman; b in Cornwall; Jesus Coll., Cambridge, 1814; d. at Fontaine- bleau.

St. Barbe, Charles, Esq., F.SA., 1776-1849. tf . B. ; C. 8. B. An English literary antiquary ; b. and d. at Lyming- ton, Hampshire.

St. Clair, Rosalind. A Lady. An English novelist.

Saint-Cricq, Lorenzo de. Paul Mar- coy. A French traveller of the day, in South America.

Saint Felix, Felix d'Amoreux, dit Jules de, 1806-74. Tnmalcion. A French journalist and novelist, of Paris; b. at Uzes (Gard) ; d. in Paris.

Saint-George, Mrs. A. An English Lady. An English writer.

Saint-Hilaire, Smile Marco de, 1798-. Un Page de la Oour Imptriale. A French writer, of Paris; b. at Ver- sailles.

Saint John, Charles William George, 1809-56. A Sportsman and Naturalist. An English writer ; son of Gen. St. John, of Chailey, Sussex; for- merly of the South Coll., Elgin, N.B. ; d, at Hazeleigh, Woolston.

Saint- John, Hector. See "Creve- cceur, H S -J."

Saint-John, Henry, Viscount Boling- broke, 1C78-1751. Caleb D'Anwrs, Esq.; Humphrey Oldcastle, JEsq. ; A Soble Dule ; John Trott, Yeoman. An English states- man; b. at Battersea, Surrey, educ. at Eton and Christ Church, Oxford ; Secre- tary of State for War, 1704-8 ; for Foreign Affairs, 1710 ; fled to Prance charged with treason, 1714; returned to England, 1724. It is said of him that " he lived a worse than useless life."

St. John, James Augustus, 1801-75. A Layman. A Scottish litterateur; b in Carmarthenshire; in 1817 went to Lon- don , in 1829 removed to Normandy, but later resided in London again.

SainWohn, Percy Bolingbroke, 1S21-. Paul Periwinkle. An English writer, of London ; b. in Plymouth ; trav- elled in the United States about 1840.

Saint-John, Sergius. A Grandfather.

Saint-Mars, Gabrielle Aane Cis- terne de Courtiras, Vicomtesse de, 1804-72 Lacomtesse Dash; Jacques Rey- naud. A French novelist; b. at Poic- tiers ; married early, and devoted herself after the loss of her fortune to literary work.

St. Maur, Harry. Almamva. An American journalist.

Sainte-Beuve, Charles Augastin, 1804-69, B. S.; Joseph Dehrme. A French poet and critic ; b. at Boulogne- sur-Mer ; early went to Paris, and lived and d. there.

Sainte-Lorette, Isnard de. Ludwig de Sabaroth. A French novelist of fifty years ago.

Sala, George Augustus Henry, 1828-. G. A. S. ; Benedict Cruiser, MM. An English writer and journalist ; b. in London ; educ. for an artist, but early devoted himself to literature; founder and editor of the "Temple Bar" maga- zine.

Saley, BE. fr. Dick JDltson. An Amer- ican journalist.

Salisbury, Stephen, LL.D., 1798- 1884. S. S. An American lawyer; b. in Worcester, Mass. ; Harv. Univ., 1817 ; resided and d. in his native city.

Salisbury, Rev. W. A Country Par- son. An English minister.

Satfceld, Joseph. A Candidate for Orders in the Church. An American writer.

Salmon, Mrs. . A Lady. An

English poet; niece of Archdeacon Pott.

Salmon, Leon N., 1845-. Ixion; Prince. An American writer.