Page:Initials and pseudonyms, first series (Cushing).djvu/564

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ton, DC.; in 1841 was married to Mr. Southworth; since 1848 lias been a teacher; and since 1849 a prolific and popular novelist

SouthTForth, Sylvester S. John Smith, Jr , of Arkansas. An American writer.

Sowden, Thomas. A Lancashire Lad. An English writer.

Spach, Louis Adolphe, -1880. Louts Levater. A French historian; archivist of the Dept of the Bas-Rhin.

Spain. Lord Sti ittt.

Spalding, William, 1809-59. Tf. S. A Scottish man of letters ; professor m the Uniy. of St. Andrews, 1845-59, where he died.

Spar&es, Joseph. A Member. An English Friend, of Exeter.

Sparks, Mrs. Mary (Crowninshield). M. C. S. An American lady ; widow of Jared Sparks; long resident in Cam- bridge, Mass.

Spear, W. U. S. E. An English writer.

Speed, John, M.D. An Impartial By- stander; Statutophdus. An English phy- sician.

Spence, Elizabeth Isabella, 1768- 1832. A Lady, An English author ; b. at Durham ; resided in London, and d. in Chelsea.

Spence, George, Esq., Q.C., 1788- 1851. A Barrister of the Inner Temple. An English lawyer; a Bencher of the Inner Temple , called to the Bar in 1811 ; d. in Hyde Park Square.

Spence, James Mudie, 3T.R.G S. Don T. B. Leevit, of ChicLomango, Ohio, U.S An English humorist.

Spence, Joseph, 1698-1768. J

tS , Esq., Poetry Professor for the Umv.

of^Oxford; Sir Harry JBeaitmont; Phe- soi Ecneps. An English clergyman and polite scholar; Professor of Poetry, Ox- ford, 1723, and of Modern History, 1742; Eector of Great Horwood, in Bucking- hamshire, 1742, but resident at Byfleet, in Surrey, where he died.

Spence, Thomas, 1752-1814. Mr. Wiskit. An English schoolmaster; on the Quay Side, Newcastle, and b. in that city ; he went to London, and d. there.

Spencer, Mrs. . Enyllo, Allyne.

Spencer, Miss Eliza. Elise Beverly. An American Southland " writer, of Shipton, Md.; in 1869, of Newcastle, Del.

Spencer, Hon. and Rev. George, M.A., 1799-1864. Father Ignatius, Pas- sionist. An English R. C. priest; educ. at Eton, and at Trin, Coll., Cambridge;

from 1862, superior of a House of the Passionists, at Highgate, near London, d. at Carstairs.

Spencer, Lord H. L onculus. An Eng- lish scholar; contributor of a letter and poem to the "Microcosm," ot Eton Coll., 1787.

Spencer, Ichabod Smith, E>,D , 1798-1854. A Pastor. An American Cong, minister; b. at Rupert, Vt ; Union Coll., 1822; pastor at Brooklyn, N Y., 1882-64, where he died.

Spens, J. A Retn ed Officer.

Spenser, Mrs. Avis S. Emma Can a. An American writer of the day.

Spicer, Rev John, 1713-85. (70. An English clergyman; b. in Reading; St John's Coll, Oxford, 1736; Rector of Tidmarsh and Pulham, Berks ; from 1750, master of the Reading school till some years before his death in that town.

Spilsbury, Francis. F. Yrubshps. An English writer of the 18th century.

Spinckes, Rev Nathaniel, 1653 or 4- 1727. A Non-juror. An English clergy- man; b. at Castor, Nbrthants. ; Preben- dary of Salisbury, 1687; deprived for refusing the oaths, 1690 ; consecrated a bishop among the Nonjurors, 1713.

Spink, William, S.S C. A Member of the College of Justice. An English law- yer, of London.

Spinks, Mrs . Mrs $

Spitteler, Karl. K. Felix Tandem. A German author ; professor at Neuve- ville, in the canton oi Berne, Switzerland.

Spooner, Alden Jeremiah, 1810-. Tim Testy. An American journalist; b. at Sag Harbor, L.I ; editor of the "Long Island Star," Brooklyn, N.Y.

Spooner, Very Rev Edward, MA. A Clergyman. An English clergyman; Exeter Coll., Oxford, 1843; Rector of Hadleigh, Ipswich, 1875-83 et seg ; Co-Dean of Brocking, 1875; Rural Dean of Sudbury, 1877.

Spotswood, John Boswel, D D , 1808-. The Pastor. An American Presbyt. clergyman; b. in Exeter Mills, Va ; graduated at Amherst Coll , 1828 ; pas- tor at Newcastle, Del., 1842-83 et seg.

Sprague, Charles, A.M., 1791-1875. The JZanker Poet. An American poet; b. and d. in Boston; educ, at the Frank- lin School; cashier of the Globe Bank, Boston, 1826-65.

Spring, Mrs. Elizabeth (Thomp- son). Her Daughter. An American biographer.

Spring, Samuel, D.D., 1746-1819. Pfalaleihes; Theophilus. An eminent American Cong, minister; b. at Korth-