Page:Initials and pseudonyms, first series (Cushing).djvu/568

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Stewart, Bliss Jessie J 5. A Scot- tish poet, of Edinburgh.

Stewart, Sir James. A JLaicyer. An English (M barrister,

Stewart, John Allan, 1888-. Tas- icert An American journalist of the day.

Stewart, Maria Stewart A Chip of the Young Block. A Scottish writer of the day.

Stewart, Mrs. W. E. S. An Eng- lish, writer

Stewart, Eev. William. W. &, M.P. A Scottish writer, of Perth.

Stewarton, . S. An Eng- lish writer.

Sthalberg, Oeorge. A Gentleman who uas a Sized e.

Stibbes, Mrs. Agnes Jean. Emma Carra, Ruth JFaufax. An American "Southland "writer, in 1872, of Savan- nah, Ga.

Stickney, Caroline, diaries Landor. An American writer of the day.

Stiles, Sumner Bmritfc, LL.B, 1851-. Eleven Sophomores. An Ameri- can lawyer; b. at Middleton, Mass,; Harr. Univ., 187G; practised his profes- sion (1882) in New York City.

Stillingaeet, Benjamin, 1702-71. A Farmer in Cheshire. An English writer; Trin. Coll., Cambridge ; spent many years in a small cottage, occupied with natural history, on the grounds of Mr. Price, of Hertfordshire ; d in London.

StUlman, W. O., MJX W. 0. S. An American writer of the day.

Stimson, Frederic Jesup, 1856-. J. S., of Dak ; Two Gentlemen of Har- vard; JZleven Sophomores An American lawyer, of Boston; Harv. Univ., 1876.

Stinde, Julius, 1841-. Alfred^ de Talmy. A Banish author; b. at Kirch- Mchel, in Holstein; was in Hamburg for several years, as a practical chem- ist, but finally became an editor there, and devoted himself entirely to author- ship.

Stith, Miss Zoda. Ellole. An Amer- ican poet of the day, of the South

Stock, John, IX.D. An Old Smoker. An English Cong, theological writer of the day.

Stock, John Edmonds, M.D., 1774- 1835. A Lai/man. An English writer ; physician at Bristol ; d. at Tewkesbury.

Stock, Joseph.. An Eye- Witness. An Irish clergyman ; Bishop of Killala, and brother-in-law to> Archbishop Newcome.

Stockdale, Bev. Pereival, 1736- 1811. Agricola* A Scottish miscellane- ous writer ; b. in the village of Branxton ; Curate of Hinc\rorth, Herts., and \ r icar

of Lesbury and of Long-Houghton, in Northumberland, where lie died

Stockton, Mrs Frank K Deloiah Dunn. An American writer of the day.

StockweU, George A. Archer. An American writer of the day.

Stocqueler, JoacMiu Hayward James H. Siddons. An English officer; served in Europe and in India.

Stoddard, Richard Henry, 1825-. E.H 8 ; S T.ang ; Henry Richards. A favorite American poet ; b. in Ilingliam, Mass. ; has resided in New York City since 1835, and since 1870 has devoted himself to literature ; editor of the " Al- dme" (N.T.), 1870 et seq.

Stoddart, Sir John, LLB., 1773- 1856. J, S.; Dr Slop. An English political, historical, and philosophical writer; b. at Westminster; Christ Church, Oxford, 1794; Chief Justice at Malta, 1826-39 ; d. in London.

Stoddart, Thomas Tod An Angler. A Scottish snorting writer, poet, etc.

Stokes, C. W. A London Merchant An English writer of the day

Stokes, George, Esq, 1789-1847 Lay Member of the British and Foreign Bible tfociety. An English writer; at one time, of Colchester; d. at Tyndale House, Cheltenham.

Stokes, Henry Sewell, 1808-. B S fS. An English poet ; b. in Gibral- tar ; became an advocate at Truro, Corn- wall ; was mayor of that city in 1856 ; in 1870 et seq. resided at Parklull, Bodmin

Stokes, Yen, Jpfcn WMtley, M.A. A Pastor. An Irish clergyman; Trin. Coll., Dublin, 1821 ; Archdeacon of Ar- magh, 1842-83 et seq

Stokes, Miss Margaret Mao Nair M jS. An Irish literary antiquary of the day.

Stokes, Whitley, LL I) , 1830- W. S. An Irish lawyer, historian, and philolo- gist; b. and educ. at Dublin; legal ad- viser to the vice-royal government of India, at Calcutta.

Stona, Rev. Thomas, MM, -1792. A Dumpling-Eater An English clergy- man; Eector of Warboys, Co. Hunting- don ; and J. p. for that county.

Stone, C. J. Edwarda Gibbon. An English writer.

Stone, Cecil Percival. Enos. An English officer; in 1860 ensign of the 77th (the East Middlesex) Regiment of Foot.

Stone, Mrs. Elizabeth. Sutherland Menzies. An English writer of the day.

Stone, Miss H. M. See "Lothrop, Mrs. H. M. (S.)."