Page:Initials and pseudonyms, first series (Cushing).djvu/580

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Tourgee, Albion Winegar, 1838-. One of the Fools; Henry Churton. An American lawyer, soldier, and author; b. at \rmiainsfleia, 0.; Univ. of Boch- ester,K.Y., 1862; judge of the K.C. Su- perior Court from 18G8-73; has lately resided in Philadelphia.

Tournaclion, Oustave F61fcc, 1820-. Nadar. A Prench author, caricaturist, and photographer, of Paris.

Towgood, Her. Micaiah, 1700-92. A Dissenter; The Dissenting Gentleman. An English minister; teacher in a Dis- senters' academy at Exeter, 1761-92; pastor there, and d. there.

Towne, Bev. Edward Cornelius, 1834-. E T.; A Puritan. An Amer- ican clergyman; b. at Goshen, Mass.; graduated at Tale Coll. in 1856, and at Yale Theol. DIY. School in 18GO; s. p. of the Church of the Fraternity, New Haven, Conn., from 1872; resides in "Westboro, Mass.

Towne, Bev. Jofcn, -1791. An Im- partial Hand. An English clergyman; Archdeacon of Stowe, 1705; Rector of Little Paunton, County Lincoln, where he died.

Townley, Adam, DD. An Anglo- Canadian. A Church of England cler- gyman, of Paris, U.C.

Townley> Baniel O'ConneU, 1824- 73, Alderman Rooney. An American journalist; b. in Nevrry, Ireland; came to this country in 1860, and vras a 3ournalist in New York City, where he died.

Townsend, . A Graduate of the

University of Oxford, An English polit- ical writer, of the 19th century.

Towusend, Alice. Florio Orsin.

Townsend, Frederic. An Invalid; A Whimsical Man. An American writer and lawyer.

Towosend, George Al&ed, 184:1-. A Broadway Lounger; Oath; Johnny Jto- quet; Laertes; A Non-Combatant. An eminent American journalist; b. at Georgetown, Del.,* educ. at the Phila- delphia High School, 1859; has resided chifcfiy in New York City,

Townsend, Key. George Henry, 1835-68. John Green; Paddy Green. An English writer.

Townsend, Rev. George Herbert. A Tractarian British Critic. An English clergyman.

This Is different from the following, and It is doubtful 'wbether the name is Herbert.

Townsexid, George Herbert, about 1635-60, An- English Critic. An English journalist, of London; prominent in the

interest of the Conservative Party; d. at Kennington.

Townsend, James. James T., of 12. Castle. An English gentleman, of Lon- don.

Townsend, RGY, Joseph, -181G. A Well-wisher to Manlmd. An English clergyman ; eminent as a scholar, a min- eralogist, a fossibst, and conchologist; Hector of Pewsey, Wilts., where lie died. He was the subject of Rev. R. Graves' "The Spiritual Quixote."

Townsend, Mrs. Mary Ashly (Van Voorhis). Xariffa. An American "Southland" poet and prose writer; I). at Lyons, Duchess Co., N.Y.; married Mr. Gideon Townsend; in 1872 was of New Orleans.

Townsend, Blcfcard H. A Citizen of Baltimore. An American poet ; a clerk in Baltimore.

Townsend, S. O. A Patriot. An American writer of the day.

Townshend, Lord Charles, 1725-67. A Landowner. An English statesman, called "Weathercock"; Secretary at "War, 1761; Colonial Secretary, 1763; Paymaster-General, 1765 ; Chancellor of the Exchequer, 1766.

Townshend, Rev. Chaimcy Hare, M.A., 1800-68. O. U. T. ; T. IL C. An English clergyman; b. at Busbridge Hall, near Godalming, Surrey; Trin. Hall, Cambridge, 1821; during his last years lie lived chiefly at Lausanne, Switzerland, though he possessed one of the finest houses in London; d. at Park Lane, Lon- don.

Towns&end, S. Nugent. St. Kames. An English journalist, of London.

Toynbee, Joseph, 1816-00. The Treasurer of the Wimbledon Local Museum. An English aural surgeon; Yice-Presi- dent of the London Pathological Associ- ation and Surgeon to St. Mary's Hospital; d. at Saville Row, London.

Tracy, Mrs. Ann Bromfield. Bis Sister. An American biographer ; sister of Jolm Bromfleld, of Salem, Mass.

Tracy, Uriah, A.M., 1755-1807. Sripio* An American statesman; b, at Franklin, Conn.; Yale Coll., 1778; U.S. Senator from Connecticut, 1797-1807,

Trafton, Adeline, 184 5-. An Ameri- can Girl Abroad. An American author ; b. at Saccarappa, Me. ; in 1869 she spent some time in Europe. Her residence (1878) is divided between Springfield and Wollaston, Mass.

Trafton, Edwin H. Noah Count. An American journalist, of New York City ; editor of the " Art Beyiew," 1870-71.