Page:Initials and pseudonyms, first series (Cushing).djvu/584

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moie. An American writer; son of Elisha Tyson.

Tyssen, Amliurst Daniel, D C.L., 1843-. A. D T. An English barris- ter of the Inner Temple, 18(39, and anti- quary.

Tytler, Alexander Fraser, Lord Woodhouselee, 1747-1813. Paul Pas-

gum. An eminent Scottish scholar and writer; b. in Edinburgh; educ. at Ken- sington and at Edinburgh ; Lord of Ses- sion, 1802-11 , Lord of Justiciary, 1811- 13 , d. in Edinburgh.

Tytler, Miss Anne Fraser. A. F. T. A Scottish novelist; eldest daughter of the preceding.


Ulbach, Louis, 1822-. Ferragus; Jacques Souffrant, ouvrier. A French poet and political writer, of Paris ; b. at Troyes (Aube) ; in 1868 he started "La Cloche/' which he left in 1872, and be- came co-editor of " 1'Independance beige " and of the "Kevue politigue et ht- teraire."

Underbill, Cave. Elephant Smith. A British dramatist of the last part of the 17th century.

Underbill, Edward Bean, LL.D. Eh Fant. An English writer ; secretary of the Baptist Missionary Society.

Underwood, T. T. Ud. An Eng- lish poet, of St. Peter's Coll., Cambridge ; a writer of the 18th century.

Uniacke, Mary. If U. An English writer of the day, for children.

"Universal Spectator." Supposed editor Henry Stonecastle, of Northumber- land, Esq.

Updike, Wilkins, A.M , 1786-1867. A Landholder. An American lawyer; b. and d, in North Kingston, K.I ; a mem- ber of the Ehode Island Bar; Hon. A.M. at Brown Univ., 1846.

Upham, Edward, Esq., E.S.A., -1834. E U. An English bookseller; first of Exeter, then of Dawlish, and last of Bath, where he died.

Upshur, Miss Mary J. S Fanny Fielding. An American "Southland" poet and prose writer; b. in Accomac Co., Va.; about 1869 she married a Mr, Sturges, of New York City.

Upton, George P. Peregrine Pickle. An American journalist ; for many years the literary editor and dramatic and musical critic of the Chicago "Tribune."

Upton, John, -1760. J. U. An Eng- lish clergyman; Prebendary of Roches- ter, 1736-37, and Hector of Great Ris- sington.

Urbino, Mrs. Levina Buoncuore.

L. Boncoeur; Lavinia Buon Cuore. An American writer, of Boston; wife of Samson E, Urbmo.

Ure, G. P., -1860. A Member of the Pi ess. A Scottish-Canadian journalist, of Toronto, and of Montreal, where he died.

Urner, Nathan D. Burke Brentford; Mentor An American writer of the day, of New York City.

Urqjuhart, C K , 1855-. Scotty* An American journalist, of Chicago.

Urquhart, David, 1805-77. An Old Diplomatic Servant. A Scottish states- man; b. at Brackanwell, County Cro- marty; educ. at St. John's Coll , Oxford, and became Secretary of the British Em- bassy at Constantinople ; M P. for Staf- ford, 1847-62; d. at Naples, Italy.

Urquhart, Rev. David Henry, M.A. Querulous Moody. An English poet and clergyman ; Prebendary of Lincoln, 1792.

Urqnhart, William PoUard, 1816-. An M.P. An Irish statesman; b. at Castle Pollard, Westmeath County, and educ. at Trin. Coll., Cambridge; M.P. for Westmeath, 1852-67 and 1859.

Uschner, Karl Richard Waldemar, 1834-. Julian; Chr. Klausner. A Ger- man lawyer; b. at "Wittenberg; since 1875, established in Oppeln; has suc- ceeded as a dramatic poet.

Usher, Charles. C. U, An early English writer, of the Umv. of Cam- bridge.

Usher, James, about 1720-72. J". U. An Irish writer; b. in the county of Dublin; was successively a farmer, a linen-draper, a B. C. priest, and a school- teacher, of Shaftesbury.

trtterson, Edward Vernon. #. V. U. An English literary antiquary, and edi- tor of rare books.