Page:Initials and pseudonyms, first series (Cushing).djvu/598

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Dait. Coll., 1821 ; Andover TheoL Sem., 1824; Pres. of Wal>ash Coll., Crawfords- Yille, Ind > 1841-61, -where -he died.

White, Charles Albert. Harry Birch. An American musical composer, of Boston.

White, Charlotte, <?. IF. An Eng- lish poet.

White, Eliza A Alex. An Ameri- can -writer of the day.

"White, Miss Harriet. Harriet. An Irish poet, of Cashel,

White, Bev. James, 1804-62. J. W.,- A Country Cfurate. A Scottish clergy- man and author; b. near Edinburgh, for many years lived at Bonchurcli, devoted to literary pursuits; d. at Bonchurch, Isle of Wight.

White, James. A Gentleman, a De- scendant of Dame Quickly. An English writer ; a newspaper agent of London ; the " Jim White " of Charles Lamb, who instituted an annual feast for chimney- sweepers, " at which it was Ms pleasure to officiate as host and head waiter." See Lamb's Elia."

White, Eev. Johttj - about 1760. A Gentleman. An English clergyman; Fellow of St. John's Coll., Cambridge ; Yicar of Nayland, Suffolk.

White, John, 1846-. A. O. I. G., i.e., A Cornishman in Gloucestershire. An English music printer, bookseller, and stationer at Stroud, from 1871.

White, Joseph Blanco, 1775-1841. Don Leucadio , Doblado. A Spanish priest ; first joined the Church of Eng- land, then became an avowed Unitarian, and settled in Liverpool, where he died

White, Joseph M., about 1790-1839. An Old Man. An American lawyer and politician ; b. in Franklin Co., Ky. ; del- egate to Congress from Ma., 1823-87 ; d, at St. Louis, Mo., in 1839

WMte, Mrs. M E. (Harding). One of his Children. An American editor; daughter of Chester Harding.

White, Mrs. Bhoda B. (Watermswx). Uncle Ben. An American author

White, Richard Grant, 1821-85. J2. &. W.,' A Learned Gonlla; Saint Benjamin; U. Donongli Ovtis ; A Yankee. An eminent American miscellaneous writer ; b. in, Kew York City ; Univ. of the City of New York, 1837; studied both medicine and 3 aw, but devoted his life to literary work ; d. in. his native city.

White, Robert. R f W. An English poet, of Newcastle-upon-Tyne.

White, Mrs. Rose O. (King). Rose-

White, Thomas. T. U. W. An

English writer.

White, Mrs. W. H. One of them. An American writer of the day.

White, Walter. A Londoner. An English author; b. at Heading; Assist.- Secretary of the Royal Society, 1844-61 ; from 1801 Secretary.

White, Zebuloft I<. Z. L. W. An American wiitcr of the day.

Whitefield, Kev George, 1714-70.

Rev.Mr. G JTte d; jro******^ ;

The Mock Preacher. An eminent Eng- lish Meth. preacher; b. in Gloucester; came to the U S in 1737, and again in 1738, and spent the rest of Ms life here, often preaching in the open air. D. at Newburyport, Mass. During his life he preached 18,000 sermons, crossed the Atlantic seven times, and travelled many thousand miles.

Whitefoord, Caleb, 1734-1810, jEmendator ; Junut; Papirius Cursor. A Scottish man of letters; b. in Edin- burgh ; became a wine merchant of Lon- don, where he died

Whitehead, Mrs C. B. Josephine Jackson* An American writer of the day

Whitehead, Rev. Henry, M.A. The Senior Curate of St Luke's, Berwick Street. An English clergyman ; Lincoln Coll., Oxford, 1850; Vicar of Brampton, Cumberland, 1874-83 et seq.

Whitehead, Mrs. S. R. A Scotch Minister's Daughter.

Whitehead, Hon. William Adee, 1810-84. An American writer; b, in Newark, N.J.; Collector of Customs at Key West, Ha., 1830-38; afterwards connected with different E. JR. Co/s ; resi- dent at Newark, 1843-84; d. at Perth Amboy, N.J.

Whitehouse, W. F. Ayncda. An English colonial writer; & sugar farmer, of Jamaica.

Whiteing, Richard, 1840-. Mr. Sprout, An English journalist; corre- spondent, at Paris, of two journals of London and New York, 1876--79 et $<?$., b. in London ; lives in Pans.

Whitelaw, Eev, John M. M

W . A Scottish minister, of Athel-


Whiteway, Miss . Winter Daisy.

An English writer of the day.

Whiting, Henry, 1790-1851. An Offi- cer of the Army at Detroit. An American soldier ; b. at Lancaster, Mass, ; entered the U.S. army in 1808; became briga- dier-general in 1847 : d. at St. "Louis. Mo.