Page:Initials and pseudonyms, first series (Cushing).djvu/605

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An eminent American lawyer; b. in Bladensburg, Md. ; admitted to the Bar in 1794; in 1806 settled in Richmond, Ya. ; in 1829 removed to Baltimore, and d. there.

Wise, Daniel, DD., 1813-. Cousin Clara ; Francis Foi rester, Esq. ; Lawrence Lancewood^ Esq. An English-American Meth. minister, journalist, and writer for the young; b. at Portsmouth, England ; came to this country in 1833 ; has been editor of various religious papers and journals in Boston.

Wise, Francis, 1695-1767. F. W., RL.; A Member of the Society of Anti- quaries, London. An English Hterary antiquary; b. at Oxford; Radcliffe Li- brarian, 1748-67; d. at Ellesfield.

Wise, Lieut. Henry Augustus, 1819- 69. Harry Gringo. An American naval officer, and writer of sea-stories; b. at Brooklyn, N.Y. ; entered the U.S. navy, 1834; Ass't.-Chief of the Bureau of Ordnance, etc., 1862-68; d. at Naples.

Wise, John S. Plover. An American journalist of the day.

Wise, Rev. Richard Farquhar, B.A , 1815-. One of Our Club. An Eng- lish clergyman; b. atCamborne; Rector of Ladock, 1846-83 et seq.; R. D. of Powder, and Hon. Canon in Truro Cathe- dral, 1879-83.

Wiseman, Mrs. Mary. A Lady. An English religious writer, of the 18th cen- tury.

Wiseman, Nicholas Patrick Ste- phen, 1802-65. H. E. C. W.; His Eminence; N. . W. An eminent R.C. ecclesiastic; b. at Seville; Arch- bishop of Westminster, and Cardinal Priest, 1850-65; d. in London.

Wishart, Rev. John. A Minister of the Church of Scotland. A Scottish min- ister, early in the 18th century.

Wisniewski, Michael Pius de, 1794^. James William Whitecross. A Polish author ; partly educ. at the Univ. of Edinburgh; Prof, at the Univ. of Cracow, 1830-63 et seq.

Witherby, William, 1758-1840. A Layman. An English merchant, of Islington; the senior member of the Court of Assistants of the Company of Stationers, and Master in 1821-22; d. at Islington.

Withers, Philip, D.D., -1790. Al- fred; A Page of the Presence. An Eng- lish clergyman; Chaplain to Lady Dow- ager Hereford ; for a libel on Mrs. Eitz- herbert was sentenced, Nov. 21, 1780, to a fine of 50 and a year's imprisonment at Newgate, where he d., July 24, 1790.

Witherspoon, John, DJX, LLJX, 1722-94. ^L Blacksmith. A Scottish- American clergyman ; b. at Tester, Scot- land ; Pres. of the Coll. of New Jersey, 1768-94.

Withington, Leonard, P.P., 1789- 1885. John Oldlug, Esq.; The Thirty- One. An eminent American clergyman ; b. in Dorchester, Mass. ; Yale Coll., 1814 ; Andover Theol. Sem , 1816; pastor of the First Church in Newburyport, Mass., 1816-85; d in Kewbury.

Withy, Nathan. The Wandering Bard. An English poet, of the last part of the 18th century.

Witt, Henrietta (Guizot) de, 1829-. His Daughter; W. A French writer; daughter of M. Guizot ; b. in Paris ; in 1850 married M. Conrad de "Witt.

Wix, Ven. Edward, M.A., 1802-66. A Newfoundland Missionary. An English clergyman; Trin. Coll., Oxford, 1824; for some time Archdeacon of Newfound- land, and a frequent contributor to the "Gent, Mag."; d. at St. Michael's Par- sonage, Swanmore, Eyde, Isle of Wight. Wix, Henry. H. W. An English writer on angling.

Wolcot, John, M.D., 1738-1819. Brother Peter; P. Hamtin, Tinman; Peter Pindar. An English satirical poet; b. at Dodbrooke, Devon. ; d. at Somers Town.

Wolcott, Oliver, LLJX, 1760-1833. Marcus. An American statesman ; b. at Litchfield, Conn.; Yale Coll., 1778; Governor of New York, 1818-27 ; d. hi New York City.

Wollaston, Bev. Francis, LL.D., 1731-1815. A Private Man. An Eng- lish clergyman; Eector of Chislehurst, Kent, 1769-79; at London, 1779-1815; d. at Chislehurst.

Wollaston, George, Esq. G

W . An Irish writer, of the 18th


Wolley, Rev. Charles, A.M. C. W. An English clergyman, who came to New York with Governor Andros in 1678 in the capacity of chaplain to the garrison at Port James; afterwards settled at Alford, Lincolnshire.

Wollstonecraft, Miss 3Iary. See "Godwin, Mrs. M. (W.)."

Wood, Mrs. Ann (Michell). A. M. W. An English poet; daughter of Ad- miral Sampson Michell ; in 1815 married Benjamin Wood, M.P. for Soutnwark, London, 1840, who d. in 1845 at Eltham Lodge, Kent.

Wood, Mrs. A Tine T. (WHDur), 1817-. Florence Leigh. An American