Page:Initials and pseudonyms, first series (Cushing).djvu/87

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the opposition to the Federal Constitution in Virginia Richmond, 1789.

Also ascribed to Dr. Montgomery.

Decius Thomas Pet egnne Courtenay Observations on the American treaty, in eleven letters ... L 1808.

Declan Wdham Phelan, DJ).

" A pamphlet which he published under the siguatuie ot 'Declan' (after an ancient worthy of the Irish church, -who flourished before the dominion of the Pope was recognized in the 'holy isle') placed its author at the head of modern controversialists "

De Cordova, i?. /. De Coi data. Mrs. Fizzlebury's new girl. N Y 1878

De Courcy, Kate. Miss Katherine Armstrong , in her contributions to various periodicals

Deen, Ethel. Mrs. Augusta De Hilly , who, during the civil war, contributed to the literary journals of "Dine " princi- pally the " Southern Field and Fireside" (Augusta), and " Magnolia Weekly " (Richmond) under the signatures "E. D" and Ethel Been."

Deene, Kenner. Mrs. Charlotte ( Tur- ner ) Smith. Christmas at the Cross Keys L. 1863.

Dsfonz, Milo. Mlo Defons Codding. Defonz' phrenological chart . . . N.Y. 1863.

De Gleva, Mary Mary Roberts. An account of Anne Jackson; with some particulars concerning the great plague and fire in London, written by herself. Edited by ... L. 1832.

De Grasse, Will. William Fur- nisB. Swallows on the wing . . . N.Y. 1806.

De Kay, Se Charles D. Kirke. Woo- ing and warring in the wilderness. N.Y. 1860

Also in his contributions to the "Couner- Journal," Louisville, Zy.

Delafield Mrs. Maria L. (Little) Child, in her contributions to "Arthur's Magazine." J

Delamothe, Emile. Emile de Girar- din His original name.

De Launay, JJe Vicomte de. Mme. Delphine (Gay] Girardin. Lettres pari- isiennes, Paris, 1856.

Delaware Wagoner, A. David Nel- son. Investigation of that . . . misrepre- sentation of truth set forth by Thomas Paine in his ... "The Age of Reason" , . . Wilmington, Del., about 1800.

Delinquent Banker, A. Sir John Dean Paul, Bart. Rouge et noir, in six cantos. L. 1821.

Delia Crusca. Robert Merry. Diver- sity : a poem . . L. 1788.

Delia Rosa, Signer. Jtichard Coker.

Delmar, Ide. Miss Essie B. Chees- boiough, who, under this nom de plume, contributed to the "Southern Literary Gazette," etc.

Delorme, Charles, Esq. Chaites Rumball. The marvellous and incredible adventures of Charles Thunderbolt, in the moon ... L. 1851.

Delorme, Joseph. Charles Augustin Samte-Beuve. Poesies de . . . Paris, 1829.

DelpMne P. or Delphme P. Baler. Solon; or, the Rebellion of '61, Chic. 1862.

Delta. Edward Denham, in his contributions to " Good Literature " (NY.).

Delta. Henry W. Domett, for eight years New York correspondent of the "Boston Transcript "

Delta. Rev. Moses Harvey, of St. Johns, Newfoundland, in his letters to the "Traveller" (B. 1870).

Delta. Charles Deane. Bibliographi- cal reprints. B. 1865.

Delta. Datid Macbeth Moir. Poems. 1852

Delta. William Millett Boose, MJ>. Sketches of Cornwall in the "Selector Magazine," 1827.

Delver, A. Alfied AJsop From dark to light; or, voices from the slums. By ... Manchester, 1881.

Delver into Antiquity, A. Wil- liam Barclay David Donald Turnbull. Fragmenta Scoto-monastica . . . Edinb. 1842.

Democritos. George Daniel Demo- critus in. London . . , with notes f estivous . . . L. 1852.

Democritus. Hugh Henry BracTc- enridge. The standard of liberty: an occasional paper. P, about 1802.

Democritus, Doctor Charles Cftaun- cy Emeison, a member of the "Polyglot Club." See the "Harvard Register," Carnb., December, 1827.

Democritus, Junior. Judak Lee Bliss. See O. F. and A. K."

Democritus Junior. Robert Burton. The anatomy of melancholy ... L. 1621.

Denarius. Henry Cole, C.B. Shall we keep the Crystal Palace ? By ... L. 1851.

Dennery (also D'Ennery). Adolphe Philippe. Le tribut de Zamora. Paris, 1881.

Densel, Mary. Mrs. Mary Selden jtfcCobb, in her contributions to "Har- per^ Young People" (N.Y.).