Page:Initials and pseudonyms, first series (Cushing).djvu/92

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Dreamer, A. Major John Andre.

This was liis signature in "Rmngton's Royal Gazette/' in which he published the *'Ccrw

lisued'm London in 17S1 It vras originally pub- lished on the morning of the day on -which he w as taken prisoner. The last stanza was : - " And now I've closed my epic strain,

I tremble as I show it, Lest this sume 'warrior-driver, "Wayne , Should ever catch the Poet"

Dreamer, A. Henry Theodore TucL- erman. Leaves from the diary of ... L. 1853.

Dreeaaii, Councillor. James Russell Endean The political catechism for 1868; or, the verdict of facts. L. 1868.

Dreltab, Maistre. Leonard Baker. Officiate haadboke of ye Strivelm Fancye Fayre ... ye drawing-man. 1882.

Drille, Hearton, USA Jeanme H. Grey Flirtation; or, Cupid's shoulder- strap tactics. N Y 187".

Dropper, H Louis J Jennings. Eighty years ot Republican government in the United States L. 1868.

Drugger, Abel. John Hardhan. The fortune tellers ... a medley, n p , n.d.

Druid. Henry M. Flint, who wrote for the "New York World" over tlie signature "Dnnd."

Druid, The. Henry Ball Dixon. Sad- dle and sirlom; or, English farm and sporting worthies L 1870.

Drait, Henry. William Flint.

Drury, Karl. Edgar Faiccett. Chris, the car conductor; or, a brave man's fight with late, in the "Family Star Paper.*' N. Y. 1884.

Dryasdust, The Key. Dr. Sir Walter Scott, in the introduction to several of his novels.

Drydog, Doggrel Charles Clark* September; or, sport and sporting. Colchester, 1S5G.

Du Baudtrier, Sieur. Jonathan Swift, DJ). A new journey to Paris . . . trans- lated from the French. L. 1711.

DuboiSj Alfred. James Stuart Bowes^ who, under this pseudonym, " contributed a number of highly successful pieces to the London stage.*'

Dubourg, Antony. One of the pseu- donyms of Paul Lacroix.

Dueaigne, R E. W. McKendree Heath.

Du Camp, Jules Jules Lecomte His- toire de la Revolution de Fevrier . . . Pans, 1850.

Ducas, Theodore. Charles Mills. Travels of ... in Italy at the revival of letters and art. L. 1822.

Ducdame. Henry Hooper. Wash.

Boltor,M.D,; or, the life of an orator ... L. 1872

Duchess, The Mrs. Maggie Argles. Eossnioyne. P. 1883

Duchillon. Louis Dutens Memoirs of a traveller, now in retirement . . L 1806.

Duckworth, Dr. DocUmus, A. N. Q. Asa Gi eene The life and adventures of . . . KY 1833.

Dudley, Arthur. Mine. J fane Pau- line Hose, (Stewart) Blaze de Bitri/, who, from the age of 18 years, under the pseudonyms of "Arthur Dudley" and "Maurice Flassan," has published a con- siderable number of critical articles and novels in the " Bevue de Paris " and in the " Revue des Deux-Mondes "

Dudley, Dorothy Mrs Mary Wd- hams (Greeley) Q-oodridge.

Dadu. Miss Julia Fietcher. Kismet. B 187-.

Duff, R Rev. Richard Gifford, in the "Gent, Mag."

D'Uflfey, Mr Thomas D'Uifey. The Houbble Bubbles ... L. 1720.

Duffle, Thomas. John Gait The steamboat. Edinb. 1822.

Dufour, Pierre. Paul Lacroix. L'his- torre de la prostitution . . . Brussels, 1861.

J>ufour<3[uet, Thalaris. Mme. Jenny JDufourquet JBastide Un drame au palais des Tuileries. Paris, 1832.

Duggeuij DIonysius William Ma- ginn,in the London "Literary Gazette/' 182-

Duke of Scampington. E. (J. &> Murray, The member for Paris. L. 1871,

Dumpling-Eater, A Rev. Thomas Stona. A letter to the Norfolk militia . . . L- 1759.

Dunajew, Wanda von Aurora von Sacker-Mct-socL Boraan einer tugendhaf- ten Frau, und Echter Hermelin. 18-.

Dundreary, Iord. Charles Kvngsley. Speech of Lord D. in section D. ... on the great Hippocampus Question. Camb,

Dunheved Alfred Fartklny Bobbins, in his contributions to the "East Corn- wall Times " (Launceston, Eng ).

Dunn, Alken Thomas C. Lotto, in the Brooklyn "Times."

Dunn, Deborah. Mrs. Frank R Stockton, in her contributions to various periodicals.

Dunshunner, Augustus Keginald, Esq., of St. Mlrrens, William Edrnon- stowe Avtoun. Tales in "Blackwood," 1870.