Page:Initials and pseudonyms, first series (Cushing).djvu/95

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William Shakspear. With notes and illustrations, selected ... by ... L. 1801.

Editor of "BelTs Life in London/' The. Frank L. Downing Pights for the championship L. 1860.

Editor of "Chrysal/ 5 The Charles 'Johnston. The history of Arsaees, Prince ofBetlis. By. . Dublin, 1774-75.

Editor of "Columella," "Euge- nius," The. Rev Richard Graves. The reveries of solitude . L. 1793

Editor of " Dodsley's Collection of Old Plays/' The Isaac Reed. The plays of William Shakspeare . . . The third edition, revised and augmented by . . L 1785.

Editor of the "Examiner," The. (James Henry) Leigh Hunt. The "Re- flector," a quarterly magazine, on sub- jects of philosophy, politics, and the lib- eral arts. Conducted by ... L. 1811.

Editor of the "Glossary of Archi- tecture/' The. John Henry Parker. Some account of domestic architecture in England, from Richard II. to Henry Vin. . . . Oxford, 1859.

Editor of "Kind Words," The. Benjamin Clailce. The life of Jesus, for young people. By ... L, 1868.

Editor of " King Lear/' The. Charles Jennens The tragedy of King Lear, as lately published, vindicated . . . L. 1772.

Editor of "Life in Normandy," The J. F. Campbell. A short Ameri- can tramp in the fall of 1854, by ... Edmb. 1865.

Editor of "Notes and Queries," The William John Thorns. The E. of " Notes and Queries " and his friend, Mr. Singer; or, the questionable credit of that periodical. L. 1856. By William Robinson Arrowsmith.

Editor of "Once a Week," The. Eneas Sweetland Dallas. The Stowe- Byron controversy . . L. 1869.

Editor of "Salmagundi/' The. George Suddesford. I/es champignons du Diable; or, imperial mushrooms: a mock-heroic poem ... L. 1805.

Editor of a " Quarterly Review," The. William Frederick Deacon. War- reniana ... L. 1824.

Editor of that Edition, The. Rev. William West. A few words in reply to the "British Quarterly Review " on the new edition of Archbishop Leighton's works. By ... L. 1870.

Editor of that Journal, The. Jo- seph Gurney JBevan (? ). A vindication of the American Colonization Society and the Colony of Liberia. Extracted from the " Herald of Peace." By ... L. 1832.

Editor of that Periodical, Tne.

Samuel Gardner Drake. Review of "Winthrop's Journal, as edited and pub- lished by the Hon. James Savage . . . Prepared for ... the " New England Historical and Genealogical Register." By . . B 1854.

Editor of the "Adventures of a Guinea/' - The. Charles Johnston. The history of John Juniper, Esq., anas Juni- per Jack ... L. 1781.

Editor of the "Annals of Agricul- ture," The Arthur Young. National danger, and the means of safety. By ... L. 1708.

Editor of the "Aurora." Benjamin Franklin Bache Truth will out! The foul charges of the Tones against . . . repelled . . P 1798.

Editor of the "Boston Daily Ad- vertiser/' The. Nathan Hale Remarks on ... a railroad . . . from Boston to the Connecticut River ... B. 1827.

Editor of the "British Workman," The. T. B Smytkies. Stones about horses. Compiled ... L. 1876.

Editor of the "Canadian Free- man," The. Francis Collins. An abridged view of the Alien Question unmasked . . . York, U.C , 1S26.

Editor of the "3Ianchester Her- ald/' The Joseph Aston. Metrical records of Manchester L. 1822.

Editor of the "Monthly Reposi- tory," The. Rev. Robert Aspland. The Christian Reformer . . . Hackney. 1815.

Editor of the "National," The. George Jacob Holyoake. The life of Thomas Paine ... L. 1847.

Editor of the "Newport Mercury," The. George CJtamplin Mason. Newport illustrated in a series of pen and pencil sketches. By ... ST.Y. 1854.

Editor of the "Port Folio/' The. John E. Ball Memoirs of eminent per- sons, with portraits and facsimiles : writ- ten, and in part selected ... P. 1827,

Editor of the "Spiritual Quixote/* The. Rev. Richard Graves. The coali- tion; or, the opera rehears'd: a com- edy. .. L. 1794.

Editor v. Publisher. Edward Wat- ford v. Elliot Stock. A short narrative of his editorial connection with, the "An- tiquary," in 1879-80; by E. Walford. L.

Editors of the Children's Priend/' The. Rev. William Wilson. One hun- dred hieroglyphic Bible readings for the young. Compiled by ... Ir. 1869.

Edmund, The Bight Rev., Bishop