Page:Initials and pseudonyms, second series (Cushing).djvu/117

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Nunez, May. Mrs. Senator Spencer. The story of Mary. N.Y. 1885.

Nyky. Isaac Bickerstaffe. Love in the suds ; a town eclogue. Being the

lamentation of Roscius [D. Garriok] for the loss of his ... L. 1772,

This was written by William Kenricli, LL.D., 1779, and was grossly abusive of Mr. G-arrick.


O. Samuel Osgood, D.D,, in the " Christ. Exam."

O. Reo. Henry Atkinson. Signature in the " Cornish Mag.," 1828, p. 155.

O., A., IjL.D. Abraham Oakes. The story of Balaam and his ass . . . By . . . L. 1751.

O., F. S. Frances Sargent (Locke) Os- good. Warblings. By . . . B. 1850. — See " Greenwood, Grace."

O. 31., Haberdasher. Alexander Car- li/le. Plain reasons for removing a cer- tain great man [the elder Pitt] from His M — y's presence and councils forever . . . By . . . Edlnb. 1768.

O., S. Samuel Osgood, in the " Christ. Exam," Vol. XLIII., p. 1.

0-, S. Sydney Owenson, Lady Sydney Morgan. St. Clair ; or, the heiress of Desmond. By . . . L. 1803.

0.,W.,Esq. William Old jjs. Camden's Britannia : translated probably by Mr. O.

O , Comte d'. Arsene Houssaije.

Le jeu de la vie et le jeu de I'amour. Publie' en 1866 par la " Revue du XIX» Siecle."

O***, Charles. Le Comte Charles Denis William O'Kellij. Paroles d'un voyageur. Paris, 1835.

O****. Oscar II., Ifing of Sweden, has contributed poems to some periodi- cals under this signature.

O — r. 0. Brander. Humoristiska rodfargskonturer for 1867. Sthlm.1867.

Oats, Sergeant. J. B. Vawter. Prison life in Dixie . . . Chicago, 1880.

O'B., Arthur. Richard Beadon Brad- ley. Review [of "The crowning of the British poetesses. A poem"]. By... " Cornish Mag.," 1828.

O'Do-nrd, Darby. Mrs. Kate Luby. O'Gorman, William. William Little Hughes.

O'Hara, Barnes. Michael Banim. O'Shanter, Tain. Thomas Archer. Obscure and Nameless Bard in the Braes of Angus, An. Joseph Gordon. Poetical trifles. By . . . Forfar, 1825.

Observator. Samuel Blodget. Thoughts on the increasing wealth of the United States. W. 1801.

Observator on Warton, The. Joseph Ritson.

Observer, An. John Emory, D.D. His signature to several articles in the " Na- tional Messenger," Georgetown, D.C., which were afterwards published in a pamphlet under the title, " The divinity of Christ vindicated from the cavils and objections of Mr. John Wright." 1817.

Observer. John Pode Drake. On the so-called Armstrong gun. In the "Me- chanic's Mag." (N.S.), II., p. 381. 1859.

Observer, An. James Everett. The "Iron Question " vindicated . . . By . . . L. 1857.

Observer, An. John Alexander, D.D. Review of certain recent proceedings of the Kirk ... By . . . Edinb. 1839.

Observer, An. John Carry. A satir- ical view of London at the commence- ment of the xixth century. By L. 1801.

Observer, An. Cyril Pearl. Tale of intemperance. By ... B. 1839.

Occasional Contributor, An. Al- fred Porter Putnam. "Can two walk together except they be agreed 1 " By ... B. 1870.

Occasional Writer in the British Critic, An. Samuel Parr, LL.D. Re- marks on the statement of Mr. George Combe. By . . . L. 1795.

Occultarius, Cosmopolites, etc. Elizabeth Craven, Baroness Craven, after- wards Margravine of Anspaoh-Baireuth, Pleasant passetime for Christmas even- ings; or, the predictions of . . . L. 1795.

Octavius. Francis C. Bliss. The naughty man ; or, Sir Thomas Brown. By . . . Newark, N.J., 1878.

Octogenarian, An. Baptist Noel Turner, M.A. Extracts from ..." Nugae Canorse " ; or, amusements of Scribble- thorpe Hall ... By ... — See Nichols' " Illustrations of Literature," VI., pp. 186-194.

Octogenarian of Philadelphia, An. Mathew Carey. The Querist. An humble imitation of a work under a similar title published by the celebrated Berkeley, Bishop of Cloyne ... By . . . P. 1839.