Page:Initials and pseudonyms, second series (Cushing).djvu/133

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Pope in Worsted Stockings. Rer. George Crabbe. Is what Horace Smith in a note to " Rejected Addresses " called Crabbe.

Poplicoia. Col. Isaac Barre: (1) In " Public Advertiser," 1770. — (2) Un- der this signature the letters of Junius were ascribed to him.

Poplicoia. Charles Brockden Broion. Monroe's embassy, etc. P. 1803.

Popular Writer, A. John Timbs. The illustrated year. — -Book of won- ders, etc. Edited by . . . L. 1850.

Port Oar, A. Emil Charles Pfeiffe.r. An account of the '89 freshman crew of Harvard College By . . B.


Potts, Philips, Esq., Holyhead. William. Maginn. Translation of the " Wine-bibber's glory." " Blackwood's Mag.," 1822.

Poughkeepsie Seer, The. Andrew tfackson Davis.

Power, Cecil. Charles Grant Blair- findie Allen. Babylon: a novel. L. 1885.

Practical Chemist and Experi- enced liiquor Dealer, A. John Stephen. A treatise on the manufacture, etc., of freigns ... By . . . P. 1860.

Practical Farmer, A. John Arm- strong. A treatise on agriculture . . . By . . . Albany, 1819.

Preacher to a Christian Commu- nity at Leeds, A. Daniel Scott. — See "A Wesleyan Minister."

Preaching Weathercock, The. Mr. William Richardson. The preaching weathercock : a paradox proving Mr. W. R. (lately a dissenting minister, and now a presbyter of the Church of Eng- land) will cant, recant, and re-recant . . . L. 1712. By John Dunton.

Preceptress, A. Miss Charlotte Palm- er. Letters on several subjects from ... to her pupils ... L. 1797.

Premier, The. Benjamin Disraeli, Earl of Beaconsfield. The P.'s defence of his administration ... L. 1879.

Presbyter. Bev. Edward Edwards. Pastoral recollections. L. 1836.

Presbyter, A. Rev. Francis ,Tohn Bodfield Hooper. A quietus for the com- ing struggle ... By . . . L. 1853.

Presbyter of the Church, A. Robert Crawford Dillon. The book of common prayer . . . revised . . . by . . . L. 1845.

Presbyter of the Church of Eng- land, A. Brian Hunt. Parochial pastur- age .. . L. 1722.

Presbyter of the Church of Eng- land, A. Nathaniel Marshall. The

penitential discipline of the primitive church for the first 400 years after Christ ... L.1714.

Presbyter of the Church of Eng- land, A. Richard Newton, D.D. Plu- ralities indefensible . . . By ... L 1743.

Presbyter of the Church of Eng- land, A. Daniel Whiston. A primitive catechism ... By , . . L. 1718. Edited by William Winston.

Presbyter of the Church of Eng- land, A. Thomas Hai/wood. Primitive morality ... By. . . L. 1721.

Presbyter of the Church of Eng- land, A. Rev. John Boswell. Remarks on the " Candid Disquisitions." By . . . 1751.

Presbyter of the Church of Eng- land, A. William Citrrie. A sermon, in Radnor church . . . 1747. P. 1748.

Presbyter of the Church of Eng- land, A. Rev. John Bold, B.A. The sin and danger of neglecting the public service of the church, plainly set forth ... By . . . L. 1745.

Presbyter of the Church of Eng- land, A. Thomas Ainsworth. The va- lidity of Episcopal ordination, and in- validity of any other, considered in three letters between . . . and a dissenting teacher [Asher Humphreys]. Oxf. 1719.

Presbyter of the Church of Scot- land, A. James Clark, A.M. Presby- terial government as now established and practised in the Church of Scotland ... By . . . Edinb. 1703.

Presbyter of the Diocese of Lon- don, A. William Berriman, D.D. A seasonable review of Mr. Whiston's ac- count of primitive doxologies ... By ... L. 1719.

Presbyter of the Diocese of Massa- chusetts, A. Jonathan Mayhew Wain- loright, D.D. Considerations on the Eastern diocese. By . . . B. 1837.

Presbyter of the Episcopal Church in Edinburgh, A. Charles Hughes Ter- rot, D.D. Reasons for avoiding contro- versy respecting statements and opinions advanced at a meeting held in the As- sembly Rooms in Edinburgh on the 20th December, 1838 . . . Edinb. 1839.

Presbyter of the Episcopal Church in Scotland, A. John Torn/. The Ox- ford tracts vindicated from the misrepre- sentations of tlie Edinburgh Review, etc. By . . . Edinb. 1839.

Presbyterian, A. Bennett.

Terms of communion agreed upon by the Scots Methodists ... In a letter from . . . Edinb. 1779.