Page:Initials and pseudonyms, second series (Cushing).djvu/157

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Treadwell and Asa Gray. Discussion be- tween . . . upon natural theology. New Haven, 1860.

Two Sisters of the West. Mrs. Catharine Ann ( Ware) Warjield and Mrs. Eleanor Perci/ ( Wai-e) Lee. The wife of Leon, and other poems. By . . . N.Y. 1844.

Tyro-Theologus, A.M. Stone.

A short and seasonable application to

the public in behalf of a respectful ad- dress to the Parliament to procure a legal redress of notorious, religious grievances. By ... L. 1768.

Tyrrel, Thomas Signis. Thomas Pichon.

Tythiugman, A. Bufus Wi/man. Re- marks on the observance of the Lord's Day as a moral, a positive, and a civil duty. By . . , Camb., Mass., 1816.


U., C. W. Charles Wentworth Upham, in the " Christ. Exam."

v., E. v. Edward Vernon Utterson. Select pieces of early popular poetry; republished ... By . . . L. 1817.

U., G. Oustaf Unonius. Gustaf eller den finska flyktingen af G. U. Sthlm. 1829.

U., J. James Usher. An introduc- tion to the theory of the human mind.

By . . . L. 1771.

Ulback. Louis Ulbach. Gloriana. Paris, 1844.

Ulrich, Charles, Jun. William Ham- ilton Gait.

Uffe. Miss Anna Sandstrom. Realism i undervisningen af Uffe. Sthlm. 1883.

Ulla, Tant. Ulrika Strom. Sigrid ■eller Dronimar och verklighet af . Sthlm. 1863.

Uinbellus, T. David H. Eaton.

Undergraduate Pen, An . George Nu- gent Banks. Cambridge trifles ; or, splut- terings from . . . By . . . 1881.

Unfermented Wine Communicant, An. John Coglan. Confessions of . . . Edinb. 1877.

Unfortunate Nobleman, An. Charles Edward Drummond. The detection of infamy . . . By . . . n.p. 1816.

" I. and P." eeems to be wrong under this paeudonym: the pamphlet, however, was writ- ten by T. C. Banks.

Unieus. William Bush. Baronet or butcher. Drama. By... Chicago, 1876.

Union Army Officer, An. Frank Wolford. Military tyranny denounced . . . from . . . n.p. 1864.

Unit, Matthew. James Pooton.

Unitarian, An. ,^ohn Reilhj Beard, D.D. The Christian verity stated [by Walter Chamberlain], in answer to . . . X. 1861.

Unitarian, An. Henry Ware, D.D. Letter to Rev. Nehemiah Adams, occa- sioned by his sermon entitled " Injuries done to Christ." By . . . B. 1841.

Unitarian, An. William Leonard Gage. Light in darkness . . . By . . . B. 1861.

Unitarian, An. James Gifford. Re- monstrance of . . . L. 1818.

Unitai'ian of New Yorlt, An. Henry Devereux Sewall. An appeal from the de- cisions of Rev. Dr. Mason against rational Christians. By . . . N.Y. 1822.

Universalist, An. Wesley Grindle. Resurrection past . . . By ... B. 1845.

Unlinown Author of "Necli or Nothing," The. John Dunton. The Sacheverellite-plot; or, the Church's real danger detected, in several letters . . . Written by . . .

Uno. George Melville Baker. Baby ballads. By . . . B. 1877.

Urban, Silvanus. John Nichols. A Rowland for an Oliver ... L. 1790.

Urban, Su. Mrs. Edward Cave. "She sifins a . . . humorous poem as . . ."

Urban, Sylvanus, of Aldermanbury, Gent. Edward Cave. — See " Cave, Ed- ward, Jun."

Us Two. R. Warner. The omnium- gatherum ; or, Bath, Bristol, and Chel- tenham literary repository. By . . Bath, 1814.

Edited and chiefly written by R. Warner.

Useless, Ipecac, M.D. A'. Alex. Hous- ton, M.D.

Usevold.Krestovsky. Nadejda Hvost- chinski/. 1825.

Usher, Freeman Jj. Noah Worcester, D.D. The signal : proposing a society for the moral and religious improvement of the clergy. By . . . B. 1815.