Page:Initials and pseudonyms, second series (Cushing).djvu/166

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Wop, Mr. W. Tademma. 1866.

Working Clergyman, A. Rev. John Davies ilereweather. Diary of . . . in Aus- tralia and Tasmania. 184-.

Working Clergyman, A. Bev. John Henrij Blunt. Our difficulties and the way to deal with them. By ... L. 1857.

Workless, Faith. Bev. John Ber- ridge.

Worthy Patriarch of Howard Di- vision, The. E. ilorrlson. A letter from . . . Halifax, 1867.

Wray, Leopold. Clara (de Pontigny) de Chatelain. The man of many daugh- ters. In "Reynold's Miscellany." L. 18—.

Besides this signature, she used those of " Baronne Corn^lie de B.," " Rosalia Santa Croce," and " Leopoldine Ziska."

Wright, J. William Gifford. Voy- age to St. Domingo in 1788-90 . . . trans. ... L. 1797.

Wright, May. J. C. F. Grumbine. Lethe : a novel. 18 — .

Wright, Samuel. Charles T. Murray.

Writer of "A Voice from the North," A. Samuel Brown Harper. A few urgent words on the present crisis . . . By . . . L. 1850.

Writer of " Nuces " and " I/ucre- teUs," The, William Johnson. lophon :

an introduction to the art of writing Greek iambic verses. By . . . L. 1873.

Writer of "Seed Time and Har- vest," The. William King 2'weedie, D.D. The gospel of other days ; or, thoughts of Old and New Testament Scriptures . . . L. 1854.

Writer of the " History of the Man after God's Own Heart," The. Archi- bald Campbell. A letter to the Eev. Dr. Samuel Chandler from . . . 1762.

Writer of the "Preface to the lately published Blishna," The. Ben- jamin Elkin. Letters addressed to the editor of " The Voice of Jacob "... L. 184.3.

AVrlter of " The Universal Church," &c., The. John Burlei/ Waring. "Broad- cast " (short essays). L. 1870.

Wronghead. Douglas William Jerrold.

lu Alfred Bunn's "A word with Punch," in which he retorted upon the principal writers in " Punch," he described them as, " Wronghead," Mr. Douglas ./errold ; " Sleekhead," Gilbert d Beckett; and " Thickhead," Mr. Mark Lemon.

Wykehamist, A. Frederick Gale. The public school matches, and those we meet there ... By . . . L. 1867.

W^ykehamlst, A. Dr. Blackiston.

Reply to Dr. Golding's and Dr. Lowth's answers to the anonymous letter. By . . . L. 1759.

X. Samuel Woolcock Christophers. Signature in the " Christian Miscel- lany " and the " Family Visitor." 1858-64.

X. Eustace Budgell. Signature to his papers in the " Spectator," of which there are thirty-seven in the first seven volumes. There is also a letter of his in No. 539, signed " Eustace."

"The humour and wit of Budgell appear to advantage in several of hia communications ; especially in his ' Observations on Beards ' ('Spectator,' ISTo. 331), on ' Country "VVakes ' (No. 161), in his relation of 'Will Honeycomb's Amours ' (No. 359) , and in his detail of the effects of the ' Month of May on Female Chas- tity' (Nos. 369 and 395).— See Deake's 'Es- says,' Vol. m.

X. Gerrit Smith. Jugglery. Dated Peterboro . . . 1867. X. Augustus Jessopp. Our premier.

By . . . In the "Helston Grammar School Mag."

His other signatures in the same magazine are " A. J.," " J.," " Y.," " O. O.," and " A."

X. Alfred Billings Street. Stanzas. "Amer. Monthly Mag.," December, 1837.

X., Barnabfe. Hippolgte Adolphe Taine, in his contributions to "La Vie Parisienne."

X., Slonsieur. Joseph Howard, Jr., in his contributions to the "Sun" (N.Y.).

X I K. Harry Stilhvell Edwards.

X. Y., Tallow-Chandler. John Mac- laurin, M.A. A loud cry for help to the struggling Church of Scotland . . . dated from my shop, in the Candleriggs. Glas- gow, 1753.

X. Y. Z. John Neal. Three articles on "American Writers," in "Black- wood's Mag.," 1824, '25.