Page:Initials and pseudonyms, second series (Cushing).djvu/186

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BoUngbroke, Henry St. John, 1st Viscount. W. lialeiyli ; Bull.

See " I. and P.," First Series, p. u58.

Bolivar, Simon, 1783-1830. The Liberator. An eminent South American patriot ; b. at Caracas ; d. at San Pedro.

Bolles, John Augustus, LL.D. J. A. B.

Sec " I. and P.," First Series, p. 358.

Bolton, Rev. Richard Knott. A Countrij Olergipnan. An Englisli poet and prose writer of the day.

Bon, ilme. Klisabeth de. ^Jme. Elisabeth de B***. A Frencli writer.

Bonaparte, Napolfeon Louis, -1831. N. L. B. A Frencli writer ; brother of Napoleon III. ; d. at Forli.

Bonaparte, Napoleon and Ijucien. Lacrete/le le Jeune.

Bonaparte, Lo Prince Napoleon Charles, 1835-. Em. Hubaine. A French writer ; b. at Rome ; became a captain in the Algerian sharpshooters, and was engaged in the Mexican expe- dition.

Bonar, Rev. AndrevF Redman. A Minister of' the Church of Scotland. A Scottish minister; of Canongate Church, Edinburgh.

Bonhote.Mrs. Elizabeth, 1744-1818. A Lady ; His Sister. An English author- ess ; was the wife of Daniel Bonhote, solicitor of Bungay ; her first work was published in 1773 anonymously; it was the " Rambles of Mr. Frankley, by his sister " ; she wrote quite a number of popular books after this ; d. at Bungay.

Bonnet, L'Abb^, I. E. (Jn Habitant de la Pennsijlvanie ; Un Citoyen adoptif de Pennsi/lvanie.

See " i. and P.," First Series, p. 369.

Bonniere, R. de. Janus. A French writer of the day.

Booth, Rev. George, 1791-1859. Etoiii'iisis. An English scholar ; b. at Rotliorham ; educ. at Eton and Oxford ; vicar of Findon, Sussex, 1833-69, and d. there.

Booth, Henry, 1788-1869. A Share- holder. An English railway projector; b. in Liverpool ; privately educ. at Gate- acre, near Liverpool ; in 1822 he devoted himself to the forming and promoting railway construction; and wrote many works connected directly or indirectly with this subject; d. at his residence, Eastbourne, Princes Park, Liverpool.

Booth, John. A Near Observer. An English bookseller, of London.

Booth, William. The General of the .'Valuation Army. An Englishman of the (lay.

Booth-Daphne, Mrs. Otto. Rita.

See " 1. and P.," First Series, p. 359.

Boozer, H. W. " Common Sense." An American writer of the day, of Wor- cester, M&ss.(?V

Bordley, John Beale, 1728-1804. B. ; J. B. B. An American writer on agriculture ; d. in Philadelphia.

Borlase, Rev. William, 1695-1772. A Cornish Genius. An English anti- quary ; b. at Pendeen ; educ. at Oxford ; rector of Ludgvan, 1722-72, and d. there.

Bornemann, Mary. Oraquill. An American writer of the day; published at San Francisco in 1876.

BorthwicJi, Jane. H. L. L. An English writer of the day.

Bosanquet, Augustus. The Nephew of an East India Director. An English writer of the day.

Boscawen, Mrs. Frances (Glan- ville). Mrs. B*******. An English lady ; daughter of William Evelyn Glanville, of St. Clair, Kent; in 1742 married Admiral Edward Boscawen ; she is spoken of as the " accomplished Mrs. Boscawen " ; resided for many years at Rosedale, Richmond, formerly the home of Thomson the poet, and d. in 1805.

Boscawen, Hon. and Rev. Nicholas, D.D., 1726-93. Reverendo. An English clergyman ; dean of Buryan ; d. at Quendon, Essex.

Bostrora, Harald. H—ld B — m. A Swedish writer.

Boswell, Janmes. J*** B***; A Gentleman of Scotland ; A Young Scots- man, etc.

See " 1. and P.," First Series, p. 359.

Boswell, Rev. .John, 1698-1756. A JPresbijter of the Church of England. An English clergyman; b. at Dorchester; educ. at Oxford and Cambridge ; vicar of St. Mary Magdalene, Taunton, 1727- 56, and d. there.

Boucher, Rev. Jonathan, 1738-1804. ^•1 Cumberland ifaii. An English Ameri- can Episcopal clergyman ; b. at Blen- cogo, in the county of Cumberland; came to this country in 1754 ; after oc- cupying several parishes here he re- turned finally to England, 1775 ; and was vicar of Epsom, Surrey, 1784-99 ; when he removed to Carlisle, where he resided till his death.

Boughton, George Henry, 1836-. The Puritan. An English artist; b. in Norfolk, Eng. ; passed his youth in Al- bany, N.Y. ; in 1853 he returned to Eng- land, to study art ; removed to London permanently, where he has since passed the most of his time.