Page:Initials and pseudonyms, second series (Cushing).djvu/188

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educ. at Cambridge ; incumbent of Holy Trinity, Hoxton, 1848-80.

Boyse, Eev. Joseph, 1660-1728. J. B., Dissenting Minister ; W. B., D.D. An Eng- lish Presbyterian minister; b. at Leeds; was one of sixteen children of Matthew Boyse, formerly elder of the church at Rowley, New England, and afterwards a resident, for about eighteen years, at Boston, Mass. ; was minister at Dublin for forty-five years from 1683.

Brade, WUUam. An Old-Clothes Philosopher. An English writer of the daj'.

Bradford, Charles Frederic, 1806- 87. C. F. B. An American poet ; Hon- orary A.M. at Harv. Univ. in 1860; b. and d. in Boston.

♦Bradford, George Partridge, A.M. B. An American gentleman; Harv. Univ., 1825; in 1887 resided in Cam- bridge and Concord, Mass.

Bradford, J. E. J. E. B. An American writer.

Bradford, John. Josias liomelij. An English novelist of the dayC?).

Bradford, WUliam John Alden, 17'.)7-1858. ir. J. A. B. An American lawyer ; b. in Wiseasset, Me. ; Harv. Univ., 1816 ; studied law and practised his profession in Essex and New Bed- ford, Mass. ; then went to Iowa, and practised at Dubuque ten or twelve years ; later, returned to Boston ; d. at sea, on the passage from Central Amer- ica to New York.

Bradley, Rev. Charles, 1789-1871. A Clergyman of the Church of England. An English divine ; b. at Halstead, Essex ; he was for a time a member of St. Edmund Hall, Oxford, but took no degree ; curate of High Wycombe in 1812 ; here for many years he com- bined the work of a private tutor with the sole charge of a large parish ; was vicar of Glasbury, in Brecknockshire, 1825-71 ; incumbent of St. James' Chapel at Clapham, in Surrey, 1829- 52 ; spent the latter part of his life at Cheltenham, and d. there.

Bradley, Daniel B. D. B. B. An English colonial writer, of Bangkok.

Bradley, Emily. Clara Ciisliman.

Bradley, Rev. Richard Beadon, 18u;3-51. Arthur O'B. An English clergyman ; b. at Minehcad ; for a time curate of the East Church, Teignmouth, where he died.

Braenie, Charlotte 31. A Sister of Mercy ; Bertha J/. Clai/. A Roman Cath- olic writer of England; a. voluminous author of the day.

Brampton, James. A New York Detective. An American writer of the day.

Bramston, James, 1694(?)-1744. The Author of the " Art of Politicks." An English poet; educ. at Westminster School and Christ Church, Oxford ; vicar of Lurgashall, Sussex, 1723, and of Hart- ing, in the same county, 1725.

Brander, O. — r. A Swedish writer.

Brandrup, Blarie. Marie Widdem. A (jcrman writer of the day.

Bransby, James Hews, 1783-1847. Monticola. An English Unitarian min- ister; b. at Ipswich; educ. at Exeter Academy ; was chiefly a schoolmaster ; d. at Bron'r Hendref, near Carnarvon.

Brash, John, and others. Tlie Ed- itor of the King's Highwaij. English journalists and writers of London.

Brasher, A. A. B. A Scottish writer of the day.

Braun, Karl Johann, ritter von Braunthal, 1802-67. Jean Charles. A German poet and novelist, b. in Eger; retired to Vienna, and d. there.

Bray, Eev. Thomas, 1656-1730. A Sincere Lover of our Protestant Establish- ment. An English divine ; b. at Marton in Shropshire ; educ. at Oxford ; in 1695 he was selected to be sent to Maryland as commissary to the bishop of London, but was not able to go there till 1699 ; no less than 39 libraries — the first at Annapolis — were established through his instrumentality in North America; he did not remain in Maryland, as it was found that he could do more for the church by returning home and working there ; he became vicar of St. Botolph Without, Aldgate, in 1706, and re- mained (■?) there till his death, devoting himself to the founding of libraries in Great Britain and America ; to the pro- moting the instruction of the negroes, and establishing a colony in America to provide for the poor who could not find employment at home.

Bray, Thomas, D.D., 1706-85. Mr. Boots. An English clergyman ; b. at Stratton ; rector of Exeter College, 1771- 85 ; d. at Exeter.

Brazer, John, D.D., 1790-1846. .7. B. An American clergyman ; b. in Wor- cester, Mass. ; Harv. Univ., 1813 ; pro- fessor of Latin tiiere, 1817-20 ; pastor at Salem, Mass., 1820-40 ; d. at Charleston, S.C.

Breck, James Lloyd, 1818-76. A .Ulssionari/. An American clergyman; li. in Philadelpliia ; educ. at the Univ. of