Page:Initials and pseudonyms, second series (Cushing).djvu/203

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C f d. An English courtier,

orator, and wit, renowned as a model of politeness and an oracle of taste ; b. in London ; educ. at Cambridge ; made the tour of Europe in 1714, during which he contracted a passion for gaming; M.P., 1715; member of the House of Lords, 1726; ambassador to Holland, 1728; lord-lieutenant of Ireland, 1745; princi- pal secretary of state, 1746-48. His fame as an author is founded chiefly on his "Letters to his son," of which work Dr. Johnson said, "Take out the immoral- ity, and it should be put into the hands of every gentleman."

Chetwood, William Rufus, -1766. Gargantua Pantaip-uel ; Knight of the Sable Purse ; W. E. Oh — d. An English book- seller and dramatist; was prompter for more than twenty years at Drury Lane Theatre ; d. in Dublin.

Child, Francis James, 1825-. F. J. C. An American educator ; b. in Boston ; Harv. Univ., 1846 , professor there, 1851-87 et seq.

Child, Mrs. Lydia JIaria. L. iJ . C.

See " I. and P.," First Series, p. 385.

Child [Thomas Edward] Theo- dore, 1854-. Theoc. An English cor- respondent ; b. at Liverpool ; Wadham Coll., 1876; in 1886, resident in Paris, France.

Childe, Miss A. F. A Lady ; A. F. C. An English writer.

ChUders, Et. Hon. Hugh Culling Eardley, 1827-. Mr. ChU***s. An English statesman ; b. in London ; educ. at Cheam School and at Trin. Coll., Cambridge ; was in Australia, 1850-57 ; M.P., 1860-85; first lord of the admi- rality, 1868-71 ; chancellor of the duchy of Lancaster, 1872-73 ; secretary of state for war, 1880- ; chancellor of the ex- chequer, 1882-85 ; M.P. for South Edin- burgh, 1886 ; and home secretary,

ChUtern, Faith. F. C. An English religious writer of the day.

Chisholm, Walter, 1856-77. Wattie. A Scottish poet; son of a Berwickshire shepherd ; b. at Easter Harclaw, near Chirnside, and became himself a shep- herd ; d. at Dorlaw.

Chittenden, Albert Jerome, 1839-. A Student. An American clergyman; b. at Westbrook, Conn. ; Ripon Coll., Wisconsin, 1868; Andover Theol. Sem., 1874 ; Methodist pastor at Boulder, Col., 1876-80; without charge there, 1880.

Chitty, Edward. E. C, Esq.

See "L and P.," First Series, p. 385.

Cholmondeley, Edward, E. C—Jy, Esq.

Cholmondelay, Mrs. Jane. Mrs. O — ly. An English adventuress.

Chorley, Henry Fothergill. Paul Bell ; H. F. C.

See " I. and P.," First Series, p. 385.

Chowanetz, Joseph. Julian CJiow- nitz. A German novelist and historian.

Christie, Albany James. A. J. O. An English Roman Catholic clergyman, poet and dramatist; of the Church of the Immaculate Conception, Farm Street, London.

Christie, Hugh, 1710-74. //. C. A Scottish schoolmaster and grammarian; b. at Garvock, Kincardineshire; educ. at King's Coll., Aberdeen ; rector of the grammar school of Brechin ; then of that of Montrose, where he died.

Christie, James, 1773-1831. J. C. An English antiquary and auctioneer; b. and d. in London ; educ. at Eton.

Christophers, Dr. Samuel Wo«l- cock. X.

See " I. and P.," First Series, p. 385.

Christy, Edwin Byron. E. B. O.

See " I. and P.," First Series, p. 385.

Chudleigh, Lady Mary (Lee), 1656- 1710. M. C; Marissa; A Lady of Quality. An English poet ; b. at Wins- lade, Devonshire ; in 1685 married Sir George Chudleigh of Asliton, where she died.

Church, William Conant, 1836-.

Pierrepont. An American editor

and publisher ; b. in Rochester, N.Y. ; editor and proprietor of the " Army and Navy Journal " since 1863.

Churchill, Charles. C s


See "I. and P.," First Series, p. 385.

Churchill, John, the Duke of Marl- borough, 1650-17i!2. Humphrey Hocus; The Handsome Englishman ; Doctor Mira- bel ; Doctor John ; An Officer of Disli?:/- tion. An eminent English soldier ; b. at Ashe, in Devonshire ; rose to the liigh- est rank in the English army.

Churton, Ralph, 1754-1831. A Mem- ber of the University of Oxford. An Eng- lish clergyman ; b. in the township of Bickley and parish of Malpas, Cheshire ; educ. at Brasenose Coll., Oxford ; rector of Middleton Cheney, Northants, 1792; and archdeacon of St. David's, 1805 ; d. at Middleton Cheney.

Chytrseus, C. E. Petter JSnsson. A Swedish author.

Gibber, Colley, 1671-1757. The King of Dunces. An English actor and dram- atist ; b. in London ; was sent to the freo school of Grantham, in Lincolnshire, 1682-87 ; for a time served in the army