Page:Initials and pseudonyms, second series (Cushing).djvu/207

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judges of the court of session ; and in 1837 he became a lord of justiciary; d. at Bonaly.

Cockburn, S. A Japanese Scout. An Englisli writer of the day.

Cockburu, Rev. William, M.A. Peter. An Episcopal minister at Glas- gow, early in the eighteenth centurv.

Cockle, Mrs. E. E. C. ; 0.

See " I. and P.," First Series, p. 389.

Cocks, Sir Richard. Sir B — d C — ks. An English jurist; 2d Bart., of Dumbleton ; early in the eighteenth century.

Corldiiigtoii, Henry, -1845. A Min- ister of neither Syndicate. An English mathematician; eduo. at Trin. Coll., Cambridge ; thence he retired to the college living of Ware, in Hertfordshire, and in the discharge of his clerical du- ties burst a blood-vessel, thereby fatally injuring his health ; travelling abroad, he d. at Rome ; his published works on science, except one tract, were devoted to optics.

Codman, Capt. John, 1814-. An American Shipmaster. An American cap- tain in the merchant marine ; b. in Dor- chester, Mass. ; left Amherst Coll. in his junior year (1833), and finished his edu- cation at sea ; has travelled much, and is known as an advocate of free ships and free trade.

Coe, Benjamin H. A Teacher. An American drawing-master of New Tork City.

Coster, Fredrik Bernhard, -1878. F. B. C. .\ Swi-dish author.

Coflfey, Charles, -1 745. C—s C—ffe. An Irisii ilramaiist; was first heard of in Dublin ; being deformed in person, he acted jEsop in that city ; he produced quite a number of dramas, which were reasonably successful ; he d. in 1745, and is buried in the parish of St. Clement Danes.

Coffin, Rev. James, M.A., 1756-1833. A Clergi/man. An Englisli divine ; vicar of Linkinhorne, 1780-1833, where he died.

Coffin, Lievi. Tlie Heputed President of the Underground Railroad. An Amer- ican, who spent his life in labors for the slave.

Coffin, Robert Barry. Barry Gray.

See "I. and P.," First Series, p. 389.

Cogan, Rev. Thomas. John Buncle, Jr.

See " I. and P.," First Series, p. 389.

Coggeshall, William Turner, 1824- 67. The State Librarian. An American journalist ; b. in Lewistown, Penn. ; he was much of his life engaged as an ed-

itor; in 1866 he accepted the mission to Ecuador, thinking the pure air of Quito would benefit his health, but d. in that city.

Coglan, John. An Unfermented Wine Communicant. A Scottish writer of the day.

Coit, Rev. Thomas Winthrop, 1803- 85. A Churchman. An American Epis- copal clergyman ; b. in New London, Conn.; Yale Coll., 1821; professor in Berkeley Divinity School, Middletown, Conn., 1873-85, where he died.

Colbatch, John, D.D. The Senior Fellow of a College in Cambridge.

See "■ I. and P.," First Series, p. 390.

Colbath, Jereiniah Jones. Henry Wilson.

Colbert, Jean Baptiste, Marquis de Torcy, 1665-1746. M. de ****. A French negotiator ; b. in Paris ; held office 1687 to 1716.

Colby, James W. ./. W. C. An American writer of the day.

Colchester, Lady Elizabeth Susan Law. E. 8. 0.

See " I. and P.," First Series, p. 390.

Cole, . A Catholic Layman. An

American writer.

Cole, Mrs. Henry Warwick. A Lady. An English lady, 1859.

Cole, John William. John William Calr.raf).. An English writer.

Coie, Rose Owen. R. 0. C. An English writer of the day, on cookery.

Cole, Thomas. The Deputy Gni-ernor. An Irish writer; member of the Irish Academy. Also nscribed to Oilpin Gorst.

See " I. and P.," First Series, p. 440.

Cole, Rev. William. Rev. W.C .

An English clergyman ; vicar of Broad- chalk, Wilts.

Coleman, William, 1766-1829. The Editor of the " Evening Post." An Amer- ican journalist; b. in Boston; studied law and began practice at Greenfield, Mass. ; about 1794 removed to New York City ; editor of the " Evening Post," 1801- 21; New York City.

Colcnso, William, 1811-. A Natural- ist. An English naturalist; b. at Pen- zance ; went to New Zealand in 1833 ; at St. John's Coll., New Zealand, 1843-44; government inspector of schools, Napier, New Zealand ; resident at Hawke's Bay, New Zealand, 1879.

Coleridge, Rev. Derwent, M.A., 1800-83. Bis Brother.

See "I. and P.," First Series, p. 390.

Coleridge, Edith. Ser Daughter. An English lady; daughter of Mrs. Sara Coleridge.