Page:Initials and pseudonyms, second series (Cushing).djvu/209

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"Vermont Union Whig," 1848-52, and •of New York " Sun," 1860-61 ; of "Five Points Monthly," 1854-58; contributor to most of the principal American maga- zines, daily, religious, and technological papers, since 1862.

Conder.Rev.Kustace Rogers. E.B.C.

See " I. and P.," First Series, p. 392.

Conder, George. A Citizen of Ken- tucky. An American political writer.

Conder, Joslah, 1789-1856. Jolin Charles O'Meid, Esq. An Englisli book- seller and publisher ; b. in London ; pro- prietor and editor of the " Eclectic Re- view," 1814-37 ; d. at his residence, St. John's Wood, London.

Condie, David Francis, 1796-1876. D. F. G. ; An Association of Physicians. An American physician ; b. in Philadel- phia ; M.D. at the Univ. of Pennsylvania, 1818 ; and became prominent in his pro- fession; d. in Delaware Co., Penn.

Condorcet, Marie Jean Antoine Nicolas Caritat, Marquis de, 1743-94. Un Repuhlicain ; Un Bourgeois de New- Haven; Un Citot/en des Etats-Unis ; Habi- tant Ohscur de Vancien Hemisphere. A celebrated French mathematician and philosopher ; b. at Ribemont, in Picardy ; d. at Bourg-la-Reine.

Coney, Thomas, D.l). Orthodoxus. An English clergyman ; prebend of Wells, and rector of Bath,

Congreve, WUliam, 1670-1729. Cleophii. An English dramatist; b. at Bardsey, near Leeds ; educ. at Trin. Coll., Dublin; passed his life chiefly in London ; d. at his house in Surrey Street, Strand.

Connelly, Rev. Pierce, M.A. Pen Cler Jocelijn.

See " I. and P.," First Series, p. 393.

Conner, Mrs. Eliza Archard. Eliza Archard. An American journalist of New York City.

Connolly, Charles M. Mark Quencher,

See " I. and P.," First Series, p. 393.

Connolly, Mrs. Olivia (Knight). Thomasine. An English writer ; wife of Hope Connolly.

Constable, Archibald, 1774-1827. A. C. A Scottish publisher; b. at Kel- lie, parish of Carnbee, county of Fife ; commenced business in Edinburgh in 1796; but failed in 1826; d. in Edin- burgh.

Constable, Michael. One in the Ranks. An Irish soldier; private, 49th Regiment.

See " I. and P.," First Series, p. 393.

Constable, Thomas. The Brush Maker. An English writer of eighty years ago.

Conway, Gen. Henry Seymour,

1721-95. An Officer.

See " I. and P.," First Series, p. 393.

Cook, Eugene B, The Meteorologist of the New York Skating Club.

Cook, N. F. A Phi/sician. An American writer of the day, of the West.

Cook, Russell S., 1811-64. The Sec- retari/qfthe New York Sabbath Committee. An American clergyman ; b. at New Marlborough, Berkshire Co., Mass.; studied at the Auburn Theol. Sem.; pastor at Lanesboro', Mass., 1836-38 ; one of the secretaries of the American Tract Society, 1839-57 ; d. at Pleasant Valley, N.Y.

Cooke, Sir George. ^1 .Late Eminent Hand. An English jurist of the eigh- teenth century.

Cooke, Henry. //. C. An English writer on music; son of Benjamin Cooke (1734-93), Mus. Doc.

Cooke, Matthew. M. C. An Eng- lish Freemason of the day.

Cooke, Rose Terry, 1827-. A. W. H.; Rose Tern/. An American author; b. at West Hartford, Conn. ; educ. at the Hartford Female Sem., 1843; and mar- ried Mr. R. H. Cooke, of Winsted, Conn., in 1873.

Cooke, Thomas. Scriblerus Tertiiis.

See " I. and P.," First Series, p. 393.

Cooke, Thomas Porter, 1786-1864. Tippi/. An English actor ; b. and d. in London ; in 1804 he made his debut in that city.

Cooke, W. B. W. B. C. An Eng- lish colonial writer.

Cooke, William. A Descendant of the Great Scriblerus. An Irish barrister- at-law; b. at Cork; removed to London; called to the bar at the Middle Temple ; employed his leisure hours in literary pursuits; d. in London(?).

Cooker, Matthew. Baptista Severus.

Cooley, Alice Kingsbury. Alice Kingsburi/. An American writer of the day, of San Francisco(?).

Cooley, De Witt Clinton. P. E. R. Simmons.

Cooley, James Ewing. The Ameri- can. An American writer of the day.

Coombe, William, Esq. The Same Author ; Valerius.

See " I. and P.," First Series, pp. 393, 394.

Coombes, William Henry, D.D., 1767-1850. The British Observer. An English Catholic clergyman ; b. at Mead- gate, in Camerton parish, county Somer- set; educ. at Douay Coll., where he be- came professor of rhetoric; in 1810 he