Page:Initials and pseudonyms, second series (Cushing).djvu/212

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Cragin, Miss J. S. Margaret Starr.

Craik, Rev. James, D.D. The Rector. An American clergyman ; rector of Christ Church, Louisville, Ky.

Crakanthorp, John. J. C. An English writer of the first part of the eighteenth century.

Crake, Rev. Augustine David. A. I). C. An English clergyman; Univ. of London, 1864 ; vicar of Cholsey, Wal- lingford, 1885-87.

Cramp, John Mockett, 1796-1881. The President. An English author; b. at St. Peter's, Isle of Thanet, Kent, Eng. ; educ. at Stepney Coll. ; presi- dent of the Baptist Coll. at Montreal, 1844-51 ; and of Acadia Coll., Nova Scotia, 1851-69; d. in Wolfville, Nova Scotia.

Craven, Elizabeth, Baroness Craven, afterwards Margravine of Anspach- Baireuth, 1750-1828. E. C; H. S. H., the if. of A.; Cosmopolitus Occultarius, etc. An English writer; daughter of Augustus, 4th Earl of Berkeley; mar- ried Lord Craven ; and when she had been divorced from him she married Cliarles Frederick, Margravine of Ans- pach-Baireuth.

Craven, Rt. Hon. William, Lord. Lord a.

See " I. and P.," First Series, p. 397.

Crawford, J. W. Capt. Jack. An American poet.

"Capt. Jack Crawford, 'Tie Poet Scout,' is by far the most picturesque character in the Q-rand Army circles. The story of Capt. Jack's life is an epic and a romance in one, be- ginning with his enlistment, at the age of six- teen, in the Army of the Potomac, and extending through the most famous of our Indian wars, in which he served as chief scout. He is a sharp- shooter, and was the crack marksman in Col. Henry Pieasant's regiment, and was twice wounded ; tirst at Spottsylvania, and again at Petersburg. He was the pioneer of the gold seekers in the Black Hills, and assisted General Sheridan in preparing his maps of the Black Hills."

Crawford, Thomas, D.U. A Minis- ister. A Scottish clergyman.

Crawford, William Harris, 1772- 1834. The Secretary of the Treasury. An American statesman ; b. in Amherst Co., Va. ; was carried by his father to Georgia in infancy ; settled at Lexington, Ga., as a lawyer in 1798; United States senator, 1807-13; minister to France, 1813-16; secretary of war, 1815 ; and of the treas- ury in 1816; was afterwards a circuit judge in Georgia.

Crawhall, Joseph. .7. C. An Eng- lish artist of the day.

Creed, Clara. T. Pym. An Eng- lish artist of the day.

Creighton, Rev. James. J. C.

See " I. and P.," First Series, p. 398.

Cresswell, John. Onghill. An Amer- ican writer of Chester Co., Penn.

Cresswell, Mrs. Rachel E. R. E. C.

See " I. and P.," First Series, p. 398.

Crichton, Antoinette K. A. K. C. An American writer of the day for the young.

Crisp, Edw^ards, M.D. A Member of the College of Surgeons of London. An English surgeon of the day.

CrisTvell, Robert W. Grandfather Lichshingle.

Crocker, Miss Ada. Laurence Severn. An English lady, residing in the United States ; a writer of the day.

Croft, Rev. Sir Herbert, Bart., LL.D., 1751-1816. H. C. An English clergy- man, of Dunston Park, Berkshire ; educ. at Oxford ; vicar of Prittlewell, in Essex, 1787 ; was for some time chaplain to the garrison at Quebec ; succeeded his father in 1797 ; was an intimate friend of Dr. Johnson, to whose " Lives of the Poets " he contributed the life of Dr. Young.

Croggon, Mrs. Liucy (Einra). A District Visitor ; A Lover of Nature. An English writer.

Crom^vell, R. I. A Blackman. An American citizen of Louisiana.

Cronhamn, F. — h — . A Swedish journalist.

Crook, Jolin, 1768-. An Elector of Westminster. An English writer ; b. at Hammersmith ; resident in Lyon's Inn ; clerk to the board of churchwardens . . . of St. Clement Danes . . . Westminster.

Crosbie, Andrew^. A Layman. A Scottish advocate of Edinburgh (?).

Crosby, Alpheus, 1810-74. Quintus. An American educator ; b. in Sandwich,. N.H.; Dartmouth Coll., 1827 ; principal of the Normal School at Salem, Mass., 1857-65 ; d. there.

Crosby, Howard, D.D., LL.D., 1826-. El Mukattem. An American clergyman ; b. in New York City ; Univ. of the City of New York, 1844 ; pastor in New York City, 1863-87; was Chancellor of the Univ. of New York, 1770-81.

Crosby, Margaret. Margaret Floyd. An American writer of the day.

Crosland, N. C. An English writer of the day.

Cross, Mrs. Kate. De Kalb. A Canadian writer; a correspondent for several Canadian newspapers ; her de- ceased husband was a Prussian army officer of the name of De Kalb.

Cross, Mrs. Marian (Evans Lewes), 1819-80. Felix Holt. An English mis-