Page:Initials and pseudonyms, second series (Cushing).djvu/238

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at Amherst, N.H. ; learned the art of printing at East Poultncy, ^'t. ; removed to New York City in 1831 ; established the New York "Tribune" in 1841; d. in Pleasantville, near New York Oity.

Green, Evelyn Everett. H. F. E. An English writer of tlic- day.

Green, Frederick. A Barrister. An English lawyer of the ilav.

Green, Henry Woodhull, 1802-76. The Chancellor. An American jurist; b. at Lawrenceville, N..J.; Xi-w Jersey Coll., 1820; admitted to the bar of Trenton, N.J., in 1825 ; chancellor, 1860-66; president of the board of trustees of Princeton Theol. Sem., 1860-76, and d. at Trenton.

Green, John, D.D. Tlmmas Astlei/ ; Academicus.

Sec " I. and P.," First Series, p. 442.

Green, John Henry, Esq., F.R.S., 1791-1803. The President of the Royal College of Surgeons of England. An English surgeon; b. in Londcm; educ. professionally at St. Thomas's Hospital ; in 1820 he became surgeon to the hospi- tal; in 1830 professor in King's Coll.; president of the Royal Coll. of Surgeons, 1849 and 1858 ; il. at the Mount, Hadley.

Greeuaway, Rev. Stephen, 1713-95. An Honest Cottntrijman. A clergyman of the Church of England ; b. at Salisbury; educ. at Oxford ; but M.A. at Cambridge, 1772 ; he held the living of lialby on the Woulds, coanty Leicester, from 1737 ; of Nether, Broughton, from 1740; and that of Cropwell Bishop from 1771; d.atDalby on the Woulds.

Greene, Edward Burnaby. E. B. G.

See " I. and P.," First Series, p. 442.

Greene, George Washington, 1811- 83. fr. W. G. An American scholar and writer; b. at East Greenwich, Kent Co., R.I. ; entered Brown Univ., but did not graduate; United States consul at Rome, 1837-45 ; in 1852 removed to New York City ; professor at Brown Univ., 1848-52 ; professor at Cornell, 1872 ; d. at his na- tive place.

Greene, R. H. Claes Martenze. An American writer of the day,

Greene, Robert. Cuthhert Conny- catcher ; Apufh E. Cary.

Greene, Robert W. P. C. Centz.

Greene, W. IF. G. An American writer in the "American Whig Review."

Greene, William. W. G. An Eng- lish poet of XewcastleC?) sixty years ago.

Greenleaf, Simon, LL.D., Esq. A Member of the American Bar.

See " i. and P.," First Series, p. 442.

Greenough, Alfred, 1844-84. A. G.

An American architect; b. in Boston; Harv. Univ., 1885; studied his profession in Europe ; travelled in Japan and South- ern India, 1882-84; d. at Rangoon.

Greenough, James Bradstreet. ./. B. G. An American scholar ; Harv. Univ., 1856; Cambridge Law School; settled as a lawyer at Marshall, Mich., 1858 ; tutor of Latin in Harv. Univ., 1865-73 ; professor and assistant pro- fessor, 1873-87.

Greenwood, Francis William Pitt, 1797-1843. A Seeker. An American cler- gyman ; b. in Boston ; Harv. Coll., 1814 ; pastor at Boston, 1818-20 and 1824-43; d. in Dorchester, Mass.

Greenw^ood, Isaac, 1702-45. Aca- demiciis. An American mathematician; Harv. Coll., 1721; professor of mathe- matics, 1728-38 ; d. in Charlestown, Mass.

Greg, William Rathbone. W. R. G.

See " I. and P.," First Series, p. 443.

Gregor, Francis, 1760-1815. A Free- holder of Cornwall. An English writer ; M.P. for Cornwall, 1790-1800 ; d. at Tre- warthenick.

Gregory, Alexander Tighe ;

An Enqtishmun Abroad.

Sec " I. and P.," First Series, p. 443.

Gregory, Rev. Francis, D.D. A Di- vine of the Church of England. An Eng- lish clergyman ; rector of Hambledon, Bucks., in the first part of the eighteenth century.

Gregory, Henry, D.D. //. G.; The Rec- tor. An American Episcopal clergyman; in 1850-51 rector of St. James's Church, New Y'ork Citj' ; in 1858 president of De Aeaux Coll., near Niagara Falls.

Gregory, James, 1639-75. Patrick Mathers^ arch-bedel to the Univ. of St. Andrews. An eminent Scottish mathe- matician ; b. in the county of Aberdeen ; professor at St. Andrews, and afterwards at Edinburgh.

Gregory, William, 1803-58. IF. G. A Scottish chemist ; b. and d. in Edin- burgh ; was the favorite pupil of Liebig ; after having taught at Glasgow and Aber- deen, lie was professor at Edinburgli, 1843- 58.

Grenville, George, 1712-70. Gentle Shepherd.

See " L and P.," First Series, p. 443.

Grenville, Richard, 1st Earl Temple, 1711-77. Lord Gawkey ; Tiddy-doll ; A Son of Candor. An English statesman ; brother-in-law of Lord Chatham.

Grey, Francis. A Person who re- nounced Deism. An American writer of eighty years ago.