Page:Initials and pseudonyms, second series (Cushing).djvu/240

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St. Andrew's Univ., in tlie first part of the eigliteentli century.

HafeerUn, Karl Ludwlg, 1784-1858. H.E.TI.; Behtiii ; Friedrir.h Heinemann. A German autlior ; b. at Erlangen ; from 1828 he lived at I'otsdam, and d. there.

Haggltt, Rev. George, M.A., 1757-95.

  • -l Clercjijman of the. Estahlishment. An

English clergyman ; rector of Beecham- well, Norfolk ; educ. at Harrow School, and at Clare Hall, Cambridge.

Haight, Cannlff. A Sexagenarian. A Canadian writer of the day.

Hale, Charles, M.A., 1831-82. Mr. Seward's Pet. An American journalist, politician, and lawyer ; b. and d. in Bos- ton ; Harv. Univ., 1850 ; consul-general to Egypt, 1864-71 ; assistant United States secretary of state, 1872-73; a lawyer in Boston, 1874-82.

Hale, Charles Reuben, D.D. The Committee. An American scholar; Univ. of Pennsylvania, 1858 ; chaplain in the United States navy, 1863-71 ; in 1887 at I^avenport, la.

Hale, David, 1791-1849. A Father. An American journalist; b. at Lisbon, Conn. ; editor of the New York " Journal of Commerce," 1827-49.

Hale, Edward Everett, D.D. J. Thomas Darraqh, Late G. C. S. , JS. E. H.; H—e. '

See " I. and P.," First Series, p. 446.

Hale, Horatio Emmons, about 1S17-. H. E. H. An American phi- lologist; son of Mrs. S. J. Hale; Harv. OM., 1837 ; was attached to the United States Exploring Expedition under Cap- tain Wilkes ; has later been admitted to the bar, and been devoted to the duties lit' his profession.

Hale, Rev. Richard, M.A. The l^icar of Harewood. An English clergy- man ; St. Peter's Coll., Cambridge, 1794 ; in 1851 rector of Goldsborough and vicar of Harewood, Yorks.

Hale, Salma. S. H.

See " I. and P.," First Series, p. 446.

Halked, Nathaniel Brassey, 1751- 1830. Detector. An eminent English Orientalist; educ. at Harrow School; spent some years in the service of the East India Company at Bengal ; returned to England in 1790, and was M.P. for Lymington, 1791-96 ; d. in West Square, Surrey.

Halked, Nathaniel Brassey, and Sheridan, Richard Brinsley Butler. H. S.

The former, a profound Orientalist.

The latter. — See "I. and P.," First Series, p. 549.

Hall, Abraham Oakey. A Member of the New York Bar.

See " I. and P.," First Series, p. 446.

HaU, Edward Brooks, D.D., -1866. H.; E. B. H.; IT— I. An American minister ; b. at Medford, Mass. ; Harv. Univ., 1820 ; Divinity School, 1824 ; was for many years pastor at Providence, E.I., and d. there.

Hall, John E., 1783-1829. Sedleij.

See " I. and P.," First Series, p. 446.

Hall, Mrs. Louisa Jane (Park) 1802-. L. J. H.; L. J. P. An Ameri- can poet ; b. in Newburyport, Mass. ; married Dr. Hall, of Providence, R.I., in 1840; in 1887 a resident of Boston, Mass.

Hall, Rev. Nathaniel, 1805-75. Its }finister. An American clergyman ; b. in Medford, Mass. ; Divinity School, Cambridge, 1834; Hon. A.M. at Har- vard, 1851 ; pastor of the First Church in Dorchester, Mass., 1835-75, and d. there.

Hall, Thomas. Achmet. An English poet.

Hall, Thomas Bartlett, 1824-. A Bible Spiritualist. An American lawyer; b. in Springfield, Mass. ; Harv. Univ., 1843; practised law several years in Boston, but has since been .engaged in other matters ; residence in 1883 at Longwood.

Hall-Stevenson, John. An Indepen- dent ; An Independent Teacher of the Truth; Eugenius; The Lord of Crazy Castle.

See "I. and P.," First Series, p. 447.

Hallam, Arthur Henry, 1811-33. T. H. E. A. An English poet; b. in London; Trin. Coll., Cambridge, 1832; and entered the Middle Temple ; d. in Germany ; he was betrothed to the sister of the poet Tennyson, and the In Me- moriam of the latter is a dirge to the de- parted.

Hallard, Frederick. A Lawyer. A Scottish lawyer of Edinburgh.

Halleck, Fitz-Greene. F. G. H.

See " I. and P.," First Series, p. 447.

Halloran, Lawrence Hynes, D.D. Philonauticus. An Irish(?) clergyman; poet and dramatist ; was at one time master of Alphinton Acad., near Exeter; then a chaplain in the navy ; still later rector of the public grammar school at the Cape of Good Hope, and chaplain to the forces in South Africa.

Halstead, Leonora B. Barbara Elr bon. An American novelist of the day.

Hamerton, Philip Gilbert, 1834-. Adolphus Scgrave ; An Etcher. An Eng-