Page:Initials and pseudonyms, second series (Cushing).djvu/243

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engineer-in-chief, 1844; dropped from the navy list, 1852.

Hatcher, John E. George Washing- ton Brick.

Hatton, Father. Constantiii.i Archteo- phihs. An English writer.

Haupt, K. Mentor.

Haven, Mrs. Alice (Bradle.y Neal). Alice Gordon Lee ; Co/iii'ii Alice.

See " I. and P.," First Series, p. 461.

Havergal, Marie V. G. Her Sister. An American writer of the day; sister of Frances Ridley Havergal.

Hawarden, Edward, D.D. E. H.

See " I. and P.," First Series, p. 452.

Hawardine, J. J H ,• C.

A D. 8. An English Roman Catho- lic writer of the middle of the eighteenth century.

Hawcis, Rev. Thomas, LL.B., M.D. Mr. H—s.

See " I. and P.," First Series, p. 452.

Hawker, Rev. Robert Stephen. H.

See " I. and P.," First Series, \\. 452.

Hawkins, Rev. William Bentinck liethem, i\l.A. One of the Old Scliool. An English clergyman ; Exeter Coll., Oxford, 1824; chaplain to His Royal Highness, the Duke of Cambridge.

Hawtrey, Edw^ard Craven, D.D., 1789-1862. Un Tnglese. An English scholar ; became head-master of Eton School about 1834, and afterwards pro- vost of the same.

Hay, George, D.D. G. H. An Eng- lish clergyman of one hundred years ago.

Hay, John, 1839-. J.H. An American poet and novelist of the day ; b. in Illinois.

Hay, William, Esq., 1695-1755. A Member of Parliament. An agreeable English writer; b. at Glenburne,in Sussex; represented Seaford in Parliament from 17;!4 to 1755.

Hayes, John Lord, LL.D., 1812-. ./. L. H. An American lawyer of Boston, Mass. ; b. at South Berwick, Me. ; Dart- mouth Coll., 1831 ; read law with his father and at the Dane Law School ; cliief clerk in the Patent Office at Wasli- ington, D.C., 1861.

Hayes, Samuel. S- H., Esq., M.R.I.A. An Irish agriculturalist of Avondale, and a member of tlic Dublin Agricultural Society.

Hayes, Thomas. A Gentleman of the Faculty. An English surgeon of Hamp- stead one hundred years ago.

Hayes, William, Mus. Doc, 1708-77. A Gentleman in London. An English musi- cal composer ; d. at Oxford.

Hayley, WiUlam, 1745-1820. The Hermit of 'i,isfham. An English writer ; Chichester; educ. atEton and Cam- bridge ; on leaving the University he re- tired to his estate of Eastliam, in Sussex, and devoted himself to literary pursuits.

Hayrnan, Henry, D.D., 1823-. LI. H. An English clergyman ; educ. at Mer- chant Taylors' School and at St. John's Coll., Oxford ; head-master of Rugby School, 1869-74 ; rector of Aldingham, Lancashire, 1874-87.

Hayne, Joseph. Peagreen Hayne. An Englishman.

Haynes, Hopton, 1672-1749. A Candid Enquirer after Truth. An Eng- lish Unitarian ; became assay-master of the mint, and principal tally-writer of the exchequer.

Hayward, Abraham, 1802-84. Ver- non Thrift ; Veritas. An English writer ; b. at Lyme Regis ; in 1832 was called to the bar, but devoted himself chiefly to literature ; d. in London.

Haywood, Francis. The Translator of that Work. An English writer.

Haywood, P. D. One of the Crew. An American sailor of the "Alabama."

"P. D. Haywood, given as the name of one of the ci-ew who wrote the article in a recent number of the ' Century,' describing ' Life in Alabama,' proves on investigation to be a literary forger, not unworthy to raulc with Macpliereon or Ireland himself. This Haywood is a fraud of long experience. He has borne several names, and disgraced each of them. As J. H. Horton he robbed four banks, and Pinkerton now has a reward of $1000 offered for him:. Bigamy is among his lighter misdemeanors. He is now under arrest at Lancaster, Pa., for forgeries aggregating $50,000. He admits that he was never on the rebel cruiser, and that he invented the whole of the ' Alabama ' story. That he could deceive the ' Century ' editors and Hough- ton, Mifflin & Co., who published his article in book form, proves him an adept in literary for- gery, scarcely unequalled by any of his famous predecessors."

Haywood, Thomas. A Presbi/ler of the Church of England. iVn Englisli clergyman early in the eighteenth cen- tury.

Hazlitt, William. Theosebes Bereanus.

See " T. and P.," First Series, p. 453.

Hazlitt, William Carew, 1834-. The Editor of the " yew I^ondon Jest Book"; W. C. H. An English lawyer ; grandson of the preceding ; educ. at Merchant Taylors' School ; called to the bar at the Inner Temple in 1861 ; has devoted him- self chiefly to literary pursuits.

Head, Katharine. K. B. An Eng- lish poetical and prose writer.

Headley, Henry. Abel Slug.

See "I. and P.," First Series, p. 453.

Heard, Franklin Fiske. F. F. H. ; n — d; n — rd. An AiiKTicnn lawyer; II.iTv. Univ., 1848; in is;*; !:i ISoston.