Page:Initials and pseudonyms, second series (Cushing).djvu/257

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dier of the Royal Artillery; retired in 1813.

Leakey, Miss Caroline W. Olive Keese. An English poet.

Lean, Mrs. Blanche (Harris), 1750- 1815. Miss Blanche Harris. An English poet; b. at Mylor; d. at Camborne.

Miss Blanche Harris contributed poems, enig- mas, and rebuses, to The Lady's Diary " from About 1775 to 178o, durina: which period Joel Lean was asliing and answering mathematical ques- tions in " The Gentleman's Diary," — which led to their union in 1777.

Lean, Joseph F., 1834-54. The Young Mining Captain. An English miner ; b. at Gwennap ; d. at Horrabridgc, DeTOnshire.

Lear, Henrietta Louisa (Farrer). H. L. F. An English writer of the day.

Leavitt, Joshua, D.D., 1794-1873. A Trinitarian. An American clergyman; h. at Heath, Mass.; Yale Coll., 1814; for some years practised law in Massachu- setts and Vermont ; studied at Yale Di- vinity School, 1822-25 ; was an editor of several journals, 1828-70 et seq., residing at Brooklyn, JST.Y. ; d. in New York City.

Le Blanc, Jean Bernard, 1707-81. Un Frangois. A French writer; b. at Dijon ; he took holy orders, and then went to Paris, where he devoted himself to literary labors, and d. there.

Lechinere, Edmund. A Young Gen- tleman of Oxford. An English poet; Queen's Coll., Oxford, 1768.

Ledyard, Isaac. Mentor.

Lee, Ann, 1735-84. Mother Ann. An English woman ; b. at Manchester ; was founder of the sect called Shakers ; came to this country and settled near Albany, X.Y,

Lee, Chauncey, D.D., 1763-1842. Aristarchus. An American Congrega- tional clergyman ; b. at Coventry, Conn. ; Yale Coll., 1784 ; after studying law and practising a short time he studied theol- ogy with Dr. West ; pastor at Colebrook, Conn., 1800-27, and at Marlborough, Conn., 1827-35; but the last years of his life he resided in Hartwick, N.Y., and d. there.

Lee, Mrs. Hannah Farnham (Saw- yer), 1780-1865. A Friend; L**. An American writer; b. in Newburyport, Mass.; the daughter of a physician of that place, and wife of Mr. George Gar- diner Lee, of Boston, where she resided for many years, and where she died.

Lee, Henry, 1756-1818. Light-Horse

Harrij. An eminent American soldier ; b.

in Westmoreland Co., Va. ; d. in Georgia.

Lee, Jesse, 1758-1816. Apostle of

Methodism in New England. An Ameri-

, p. 480.

p. 480. An Eng-


can Methodist divine ; b. in Prince George Co., Va. ; was for many years a chaplain to Congress ; d. in Baltimore, Md.

Lee, John, Esq., 1733-93. Honest Jack Lee. An English lawyer ; some time M.P. for Higham-Ferrers ; solicitor- general, 1783.

Lee, Richard Henry, 1732-94. The Cicero of the Revolution.

See " I. and P.," First Series,

Lee, William. A Father.

See " I. and P.," First Series,

Lees, Lady . A Lady.

lish writer.

Lees, James Cameron, D.D. Taq, and Bobtail.

See " I. and P.," First Series, p. 480.

Legh, Gerard. A Christian.

See " I. and P.," First Series, p. 480.

Le Grlce, Eev. Charles Valentine. Gergiel; C. V. Le G.; V. L.

See "L and P.," First Series, p. 481.

LelfchUd, John K., M.A., 1815-. J. R. L. An English author; b. at Ken- sington ; a writer on mining.

Leigh, George, Esq., 1743-1816. The Rafaelle of Auctioneers. An eminent English book-auctioneer; youngest son of the Rev. Egerton Leigh, LL.D., arch- deacon of Salop and canon of Hereford. He was the apprentice and partner of Mr. Baker, and afterwards of Mr. Sothe- by, his nephew ; in later life he was associated with Mr. Sotheby's worthy nephew.

Lemon, Sir Charles, 2d Bart., 1784- 1868. C. L. An English gentleman; b. in London ; M.P., 1807-12 and 1830- 57 ; d. at Carclew, Penryn, Cornwall.

Lemon, JIark. Thickhead.

See " I. and P.," First Series, p. 481.

Lemon, Sir William, 1st Bart., D.C.L., 1748-1824. His Representative. An Eng- lish gentleman ; b. at Truro; M.P., 1769- 72 and 1774-1824; d. at the family seat, Carclew, Penryn, Cornwall.

Lennox, Charles Henry Gordon, 6th iDuke of Richmond, D.C.L., 1818-. Miss Lennox. An English peer and statesman; educ. at Westminster and Oxford ; entered the army, 1839 ; retired as captain, 1844; lord president of the council, 1874-80; town residence, 49 Belgrave Square, S.W., London.

Lennox, Mrs. Charlotte, 1720-1804. The Author of the " Female Quixote." An American-English novelist; b. in New Y'ork City, of which her father. Col. James Lennox, was lieutenant-governor ; at the age of fifteen she was sent to Lon- don, where she supported herself by her literary labors.