Page:Initials and pseudonyms, second series (Cushing).djvu/259

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he removed to London and became one of the merchant princes of that city; M.P., 1854, 1857, and 1859.

Iiindsey, Rev. Theophllus. Gottlieb Pansmouser.

See " I. and P.," First Series, p. 483.

Ijindstroin, Johau. Saxon. A Swe- dish journalist and autlior.

Linz, Anielie (Speyer), 1824-. Amdie Qodin. A German autlior; b. at Barn- berg ; wife of Franz Linz ; from 1873 has lived at Munich.

Liippincott, Mrs. Sara Jane (Clarke) . Grace Greenwood.

See " I. and P.," First Series, p. 483.

Kilttle, Mrs. Sopbia liouise (Rob- bins), 1799-. Rowena. An American vfriter ; b. at Newport, R.I. ; the daughter of Hon. Asher Robbins ; in 1824 married Mr. William Little, Jr., of Boston, where she afterwards resided, contributing to periodicals, and publishing several poeti- cal works.

Ijlttledale, Richard Frederick, LL.D., and Vaux, J. E. The Editors of the "Priest's Prayer Book." Little- dale, R. F. An Irish clergyman ; b. in Dublin ; Trin. Coll., 1854 ; for the last twenty-two years engaged in literary work at London.

liitton, Edmund. E — m — dL — tt — n. An English meteorologist of the eigh- teenth century.

Ijlvermore, Abie! Abbot, D.D., 1811-. A. A. L. An American clergy- man; b. at Wilton, N.H.; Harv. Coll., 1833; Divinity School, 1836; president ■of the MeadviUe Theological School, 1868-87.

l/lvermore, George, A.M., 1809-65. G. L. An American merchant of Bos- ton; b. and d. at Cambridge; Hon. A.M. at Harv. Univ., 1850 ; spent much time in literary work.

liivingston, Robert R., LL.D. Cato.

See " 1. and P.," First Series, p. 484.

Ijivingston, William, LL.D. The Don Quixote, of the Jerset/s ; The Itinerant Dei/ of New Jersey ; The Knight of the most honorable Order of Starvation, S^c.; Author of the Watch Tower.

See " i. and P.," First Series, p. 484.

Ijjungstedt, Mrs. Aurora liovisa (Hjort). Claude Gerard; Richard. A ■Swedish novelist.

Ivloyd, Charles, LL.D. Rev. C. LI.

See " I. and P.," First Series, p. 484. liloyd, Mrs. William Reynolds ■(Fox), 1811-. Bitha Fox. An English miscellaneous writer; b. at Perran-ar- •worthal ; youngest daughter of George Fox, and wife of W. R. Lloyd, of Clifton,

Bristol ; contributed many articles to the " Leisure Hour " and the " Sunday at Home."

Lioch^e, Jolin, -1815. The Parmegiano of Auctioneers. An eminent English book auctioneer; a partner with Thomas King, King Street, Covent Garden ; d. in London.

Locke, John, 1632-1704. P. A. P. 0. I. L. A. An eminent English philoso- plier ; b. at Wrington, in Somersetshire ; educ. at Westminster School and Oxford, having passed much of his life on the Continent ; from 1709 he lived altogether at Sir Francis Masham's at Gates, and d. there, kindly attended by Lady Masham.

Loffler, Karl Valentin Immanuel. Dr. Tornow ; De olle niimdrker. A Ger- manC!) writer.

liOfoing, Concordia. O. L**g. A Swedish writer.

Lonnberg, MathUda. — th — . A Swedish writer.

liOfft, Capel, Sr., 1751-1824. A Lay- man. An English lawyer; b. at Bury St. Edmunds ; d. on the Continent.

" A Fellow of a College," and " E. B. Storer," ae ascribed to this writer in •' I. and P.," be- longed to a later C. L., perhaps the son of this man.

Lofland, Dr. John. The Milford Bard.

See " I. and P.," First Series, p. 484.

Jjogan, Rev. Allan. A Gentleman in the Country ; A Countryman. A Scottish minister of Torrieburn, early in the eigh- teenth century.

liOgan, George, M.D., 1753-1821. A Parmer ; An American Parmer. An American philanthropist; b. and d. at Stanton, Penn.; studied medicine at Edinburgh; returning home in 1779, he applied himself for some years to agri- culture ; United States senator from Pennsylvania, 1801-07.

Logan, William. A Gentleman in Scotland. A Scottish political writer of the first part of the eighteenth century ; of Logan.

liOgie, Rev. William, D.D., 1786- 1856. A Minister. A Scottish clergy- man of Kirkwall and St. Ola.

Liok, Henry. H. L., Gentleman. An English poet ; a cousin of Richard Ca- rew, the historian.

Longfellow, Henry Wadstvorth, LL.D. H. W. L.; Hans Hammer- gaffer stein.

See " I. and P.," First Series, p. 485.

Longfellow, Rev. Samuel, 1819-. <S. L. An American clergyman; b. at Port- land, Me.; Harv. Coll., 1839; in 1887 resident in Cambridge ; engaged in liter- ary work.