Page:Initials and pseudonyms, second series (Cushing).djvu/266

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afterwards lived in Poland, in the ser- vice of the king ; d. at Pisa.

Mead, Edwin Doak, 1849-. An Inde- pendent. An American writer ; b. in Ches- terfield, N.H. ; in 1887 resident in Boston.

Meade, William, D.D., 1789-1862. The Bishop of Virginia; The Assistant Bishop of Virginia. An American clergy- man; h. in Clarke Co., Va.; assistant- bishop and bishop of Virginia, 1829-62 ; d. at Richmond, Va.

Means, David MacGregor, 1847-. McGee. An American lawyer; b. in Groton, Mass.; Yale Coll., 1868; in 1886 resident in New York City.

Medcalf, William. A Member of the Manchester Corporation. An English writer of Manchester.

Meddlhammer, Johann Baptist. Albini. A German dramatist.

Medhurst, Walter Henry, D.D., 1796-1857. Philosinensis. An English clergyman; b. in London; spent nearly forty years in the East as a Christian missionary.

Meen, Rev. Henry. E. ; R.

See " 1. and 1',," First Series, p. 498.

Mcgce, John L. " Nemo," of Louisi- ana. An American poet.

Meggison, Holltar. A Barrister of the Middle Temple. An English writer of London.

3Ieijer, Bernhard. B. 3/. A Swed- ish autlior.

Mellen, Grenvillc. (?. il/.

See "I. and V.," First Series, p. 499.

Melmoth, William, 1710-99. A Late Eminent Advocate. An English writer ; son of William Melmoth (1666-1743), of Lincoln's Inn ; commissioner of bank- rupts, 1756, but passed his life chiefly in retirement.

Melville, Herman, 1819-. The Au- thor of " Tijpee." An American writer; b. in New York City; in 1842 he deserted from <i whaling ship, at one of the Mar- quesas islands, and was for four months a prisoner ; escaping, he arrived in Bos- ton in 1844; in 1859 removed to Pitts- flehl, Mass. ; in 1860 again sailed on a whaling voyage.

Menamin, R. S. R. S. M. An Eng- lish printer.

Mendham, Rev. Joseph. Catholicus protestans ; Emancipatus ; A Plain Man.

See " I. and P.," First Series, p. 499.

M^netrier, Charles, 1804-. Richard Listener. A Frencli author ; commenced writing in several journals dramatic/eu- illetons; has since 1852 been attached to 1 he " Revue et Gazette des Theatres " as r.terary critic.

Mengel, Paul Fritz, 1810-. GUi- ran ; Irar Bid. A Swedish author and journalist.

Mengersen auf Rheder, Joseph Bruno graf von. J. Bruno. A Ger- man novelist.

Mercer, Maj. James, 1734 - 1804. Peter the Plowman. A Scottish poet and scholar ; b. in Aberdeenshire.

Mercier, Henry James, and Gallop, William. A Fore-top-man. American writers.

Meredith, Stanley. Sabina.

Mereweather, Rev. John Davles. A Working Clergijnian. An English di- vine ; at one time government cliaplain in New South Wales; in 1880 chaplain at Venice.

Merimee, Prosper, 180-3-70. Un des Quarante ; Hyacinthe Maglanowich ; Joseph L'Estranqe.

See "i. and P.," First Series, p. 499.

Merlvale, John Herman, Esq., 1779- 1844. Un Membre dn Parlemenl.

See "I. and P.," First Series, p. 499.

Merricli, John Mudge, A.M. J/. ; .7. 31. M. An American clergyman ; Hon. A.M. at Bowdoin Coll., 18.37; pas- tor at Walpole, Mass., 1840-58.

Merritt, Henry. A Connoisseur. An English writer of the day.

Slerz, Karl. AT. Z. A musician of Now York City.

Messenhauser, Casar Wenzel, 1813-. Wenzeslaus March. A German novelist ; b. at Prossnitz ; served for some years in the Austrian army; published plays, novels, etc., at Vienna, 1847-50.

Meston, William, about 1688-1745. Quidam ; .Todociis Grimmus, etc. An in- genious Scottish burlesque poet; b. in the parish of Midmar, in Aberdeenshire ; educ. at Aberdeen ; passed rather a wandering and unsuccessful life ; passed the last of his life at Aberdeen, and d. there.

Metcalf, John. Blind Jack, of Knares- borough.

Meyer, Bertha Antoinette Henri- ette. Bertha u. Werder. A German writer.

Meyer, Sophie Prederilte Eliza- beth. Sophie May.

Meyzieu, J. B. Paris de. A Gentle- man in France ; P**"**.

Miall, Edward, 1809-. An Editor off the Line. An English Non-Conformist ; b. at Portsmoutli ; at one time an Inde- pendent minister at Ware and Leicester ; M.F. for Rochdale, 1852; editor and proprietor of the Non-Conformist news- paper.