Page:Initials and pseudonyms, second series (Cushing).djvu/280

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Edward Seaward. An English physician of Bristol ; brother of Jane, with whom she resided for some years before her death.

" Sir Edward Seaward '* was probably written by Miss Jane Porter.

Posse, Mrs. Betty (Ehrenborg).

B. E. ; B. E — g. A Swedish author of hymns, etc.

Pott, Rev. Joseph Holden, M.D., 1759-1847. A Friend to the Principles of that Work. An English clergyman ; educ. at Eton and Cambridge ; chan- cellor of Exeter, 1820-47.

Potter, Horatio, D.D., 1802-. The Bishop; The Provisional Bishop. An American clergyman ; b. at La Grange, Duchess Co., N.Y. ; Union Coll., 1826 ; bishop of New York, 1861-87.

Potter, John, D.D., about 1674-1747. The Bishop of Oxford. An English di- vine ; b. iit Wakefield, in Yorkshire; educ. at Oxford ; bishop of Oxford, 1715- 37 ; archbishop of Canterbury, 1737-47.

Potter, John, M.D., about 1734-. A Society of Gentlemen ; A Late JUeceased Satirist. An English physician and litt^- ateur; b. in London; settled in that city in 1762, and devoted liimself chiefly to literary pursuits and the practice of physic.

Pouget, Li. a. der. L. A. D. P.

Pound, J. D. Sis Foster-Father. An American writer; the foster-father of John B. Gough.

Povey, Charles. Str Heister Ryley. An English writer early in the eighteenth century ; founder of the (London) Sun Fire Office and one of the pioneers of friendly and insurance societies in London.

Powel, John Hare, 1786-1856. A Pennsylvania Farmer. An American agriculturist ; b. and d. in Philadelphia ; educ. at the Philadelphia Coll. [now Univ. of Pennsylvania] ; became a suc- cessful merchant; was a founder of the Pennsylvania Agricultural Society in 1823.

Poivnall, Thomas. An Honourable Gentleman ; Th — m — 5 P — wn — //, Esq.

See "I. and P.," First Series, p. 527.

Powys, Rev. Charles Richard. A Gentleman of Oxford. An English clergy- man; M.A. of St. John's Coll., Oxford, 1861 ; rector of Yelford, 1882-87.

Pratt, F. Alcott. Demijohn. An American writer of the day.

Pratt, J. ; Macaulay, Z. ; Wilks, S. C. ; Cunningham, J. W., etc. Mem- hers of the Established Church. English journalists.

Pratt, Rev. Josiata, 1768-1844. The

Editor of the "Family Christian Observer." An English clergyman ; b. at Birming- ham; vicar of St. Stephens, London, and for twenty-one years secretary of the Church Missionary Society.

Pray, Isaac Clark, 1813-69. Clerc, Prf't of Le Pre aux Clercs ; A Journalist. An American editor, author, and drama- tist; b. in Boston; Amherst Coll., 1833 j d. in New York City.

Pray, Lewis Glover. A Superintend- ent ; A Proprietor. An American shoe- dealer and author ; passed the last years of his life at Roxbury, Mass., and d. there.

Prentice, George Denlson. The Editor of the "Louisville Journal."

See "I. and P.," First Series, p. 527.

Prentice, Rev. Thomas, A.M., 1702- 82. Simon the Farmer. An American clergyman ; b. in Cambridge ; Harv. Univ., 1726 ; minister of Charlestown, 1737-75 and 1778-82.

Prentiss, Charles, 1774-1820. A Lover of the Truth; Roderic Rover and others ; A Citizen of Massachusetts, An American editor; b. at Reading, Mass. ; Harv. Univ., 1795 ; edited journals at Leominster, Mass. ; at Georgetown, D.C. ; at Baltimore, Md. ; and at Washington, D.C. ; d. at Brimfield, Mass.

Prentiss, George L. His Brother. An American writer; brother of Ser- geant Smith Prentiss.

Prescott, Rev. Benjamin, 1687-1777. One who was born in the Colony of Massa- chusetts Bay. An American Congrega- tional minister; b. at Concord, Mass.; Harv. Coll., 1709; pastor at Danvers, Mass., 1713-56.

Preston, Elliott W. Manfred. An English writer of the day.

Preston, I. M., and Best, J. The Missionaries of the A.B. C. F. il., Gaboon Station, Western Africa. American mis- sionaries.

Preston, J. An Elector. An English political writer of one hundred years ago.

Price, Miss E. C. E. C. P. An Eng- lish writer of the day.

Prichard, . Theophilus Eupisti-

nus. An English writer early in the eighteenth century.

Priestley, Joseph, D.D., LL.D., F.R.S. Clemens; Paulinus; Liberius; Rev. Secre- tary Turnabout.

See " I. and P.," First Series, p. 528.

Prime, D. P. A Layman. An Amer- ican Universalist.

Prime, Rev. Edward Dorr Grlffln, 1814-. His Son-in-Law.

See " I. and P.," First Series, p. 528.