Page:Initials and pseudonyms, second series (Cushing).djvu/285

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the A. B. C. F. M. in Greece, 1833-38; in Asia Minor, 1838-53 ; at Constantino- ple from 1856 ; in 1883 still there.

Ripley, George, LL.D., 1802-80. G. R. ; An Alumnus of that School; Its Pastor.

See " I. and P.," First Series, p. 535.

Ripley, Samuel, -1847. R. An American clergyman ; b. at Concord, Mass. ; Harv. Coll., 1804 ; for some years pastor at Waltham, Mass. ; spent his last years at his native town, and d. there.

Risberg, Emilia. E. R. A Swedish novelist and miscellaneous writer.

Ritson, Mrs. . A Lady. An

English writer ; resident some years at Alexandria and at Norfolk, Va.

Ritson, Isaac, 1761-89. A Young Shepherd. A Scottish litterateur ; h. at Emont's Bridge, near Penrith ; removed fcst to Edinburgh, then to Loudon, where he led a literary life.

Ritson, Joseph. Anti-Scot ; Observa- tor on Warton ; Justice ; Stjchorax.

See " I. and P.," First Series, p. 535.

Rivaz, Victor Chevalley de. " G. C." The Grand Cordon. A famous French cook.

Rivington, James, about 1724-1802. J. R. An American Loyalist printer and bookseller ; b. in London ; came to this country in 1760, and opened a shop in Philadelphia; but in 1761 removed to New York City, and in 1773 began to publish the " New York Gazetteer " ; in 1775 he returned to England, but soon returned and continued the publication of Loyalist papers ; d. in New York City.

Robb, Rev. William. A Scotch Epis- copal Clergijman ; A Student of Medicine. A Scottish divine of the Episcopal Church of Scotland, at St. Andrews, and chaplain to Lord Elibank.

Robbins, Chandler, D.D., 1810-82. B.; Her Pastor. An American clergy- man; b. at Lynn, Mass.; Harv. Coll., 1829; Divinity School, 1833; pastorin Bos- ton, 1833-76 ; was a frequent contribu- tor to literary and religious periodicals.

Robbins, Eliza. E. R. An Ameri- can teacher and compiler of educational works.

Robe, Thomas. Britannicus. An English writer of the eighteenth century.

Roberts, Sir Randal H., Bart. Light Cast. An English writer of the day.

Roberts, William. A Barrister.

See " L and P.," First Series, p. 535.

Robertson, Rev. . An Inhabitant

of H. il.'s Leeward-Carihbee-Islands. An English writer of the eighteenth century.

Robertson, Alexander. An Old

Asiatic Merchant. An English writer ; at one time M.P. for Grampound.

Robertson, Prof. Eric S. The Edi- tor. An English litte'rateur of the day.

Robertson, Rev. Joseph, 1726-1802. Eusebius, Vicar of Lilliput. An English clergyman; b. at Knipe, Westmoreland; educ. at Oxford ; rector of Herriard, Hampshire, 1758 ; of Sutton, Essex, 1770; vicar of Horncastle, Lincolnshire, 1779.

Robertson, Patrick, Lord Robert- son. Mark Macrabin, the Gameronian.

See "I. and P.," First Series, p. 535, and " Eraser," Vol. 1., p. 752.

Robertson, WUllam, D.D., 1721-93. The Historian of Rochdale.

See " I. and P.," First Series, p. 535.

Robinson, Miss F. Mabel. W. Ste- phenson Griggs. An English writer of the day.

Robinson, Frederick. A Subaltern of Artillery. An English author ; entered the army, 1827 ; made lieutenant, 1844.

Robinson, H. D. H. M. Duhecquet. An American journalist of New Har- mony, Ind., and of New York City ; afterwards an agriculturist of New Jersey.

Robinson, James A. Old Hurrygraph.

Robinson, John, D.D., 1650-1723. A Person of Note who resided many years there. An English divine ; b. at Cleasby, Yorkshire; educ. at Oxford; minister plenipotentiary at the treaty of Utrecht; bishop of London, 1714-23.

Robinson, John, M.D. J. R., M.D. An English writer of the eighteenth century.

Robinson, Mrs. Thferese Albertine Ijouise (von Jacob) . Reseda.

See " I. and P.," First Series, p. 530.

Robley, John. A West India Mer- chant. A Britisli colonial merchant of Tobago.

Rochefoucauld -Liancourt, Pran- gois Alexandre Fred6ric, due <Ie la. Un Fran^ais.

See " I. and P.," Series, p. 536.

Rockvpell, James Otis, 1807-31. J. O. R. An American poet; b. at Leba- non, Conn.; was a journalist at Boston, Mass., and Providence, R.I. ; d. at Provi- dence.

Kodd,Mrs. Harriet Rashleigh, 1779- 1855. H. B. An English lady; b. at Duporth; d. at St. Stephensby, Laun- ceston.

Rcederer, Comte Pierre IjouIs, 1754- 1835. Un Amgricain Residant a Vienne. A French statesman and economist ; b. at