Page:Initials and pseudonyms, second series (Cushing).djvu/299

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A Presbyter of the Episcopal Church in Edinburgh. A British prelate; b. at Cuddalore, East Indies ; educ. at Trin. Coll., Cambridge ; bishop of Edinburgh, 1841.

Tew, Edward, D.B. A ilemher of the Universitij of Cambridge. An English clergyman ; rector of Boklon, Durham.

Thacher, Oxenbridge, 1720-65. .1 Uritish American. An American writer ; Harv. Univ., 1738 ; lived in Boston.

Thackeray, William Makepeace. " Benighted Irishman " ; Grotrlei/ Bijles ; The F. C; Folkstone Canterbun/ ; John Corks; Baldomero Espartero ; A Gentle- man in Sea7-ch of a Man-Servant ,■ ^^. Go- bemouche; Leontiiis Androcles Hugglestone ; Mr. Jeames ; A Lady of Fashion ; Modest Merit; Goliah Muff; Ladg Nimrod ; Mr. J—s Plush ; " One of themselves " ; Dr. Solomon Pacifco ; Under Petty ; *.Xo- tpKoivKTi^ ; "Punch's" Commissioner ; Adol- phus Simcoe ; Alonzo Spec, Historical Painter; Swell more ; Michael Angelo Tit- marsh ; T. T. ; Master Molloy Molony.

See "I. and P.," First Series, p. 507.

Thatcher, Benjamin Bussey. B.

B. T.

See " I. and P.," First Series, p. 567. Thayer, Christopher Toppan, -1880.

C. T. T. An American clergyman ; b. at Lancaster, Mass. ; for many years (1831- 59) pastor at Beverly, Mass.

Thayer, William Roscoe. Paul Hermes. An American poet and jour- nalist; Harv. Univ., 1881; removed to Philadelphia, 1882, and soon became assistant-editor of the Philadelphia " Evening Bulletin " ; is a contributor to several newspapers and periodicals.

Theobald, Lewis, -1744, Pedling Tibbald. An English literary lawyer ; b. at Sittingbourne, Kent; was the hero of the "Dunciad."

Thisted, Waldemar Adolf, -1887. M. Rowel; Herodion; Hortulanus. A Danish clergyman in Jylland.

Thom, Robert. Sloth.

See " I. and P.," First Series, p. 568.

Thomas, George Francis. George Fi'ancis. An American writer of the day ; published at Chicago, 1884.

Thomas, Rev. John Wesley, M.A., -1872. Anti-Empiricus. An English clergyman ; in 1851 vicar of Stanstead- Abbotts, Herefordshire.

Thomas, Julian. The Vagabond. An English writer of the day.

Thomas, L/ynall, F.E.S. AwdfiUos. An English writer.

Thomas, Vaughan, BD. A Lover of Fine Arts. An English clergyman ;

M.A. at Corpus Christi Coll., Oxford, 1800 ; vicar of Yarnton, in Oxfordshire.

Thomas, William. A Collegian.

See " I. and P.," First Serics,'p. 568.

Thomas, William. Defensor. An American political writer; Yale(?) Coll 1819; d. 1836(?).

Thompson, General Charles Wil- liam. An Officer of the Ninth Begiment. An English soldier ; served in the Egyp- tian war in 1882.

Thompson, Mrs. E. S. L. Mark Broderick.

Thompson, George. Greenhorn.

Thompson, James William, D.D., -1881. J. \V. T. An American clergy- man ; b. at Barre, Mass. ; Brown Univ., 1827 ; Cambridge Divinity School, 1831 ; pastor at Jamaica Plain, Mass., 1859-81.

Thompson, John C. B. W. Rock. An American soldier of Rhode Island, in the late civil wnr.

Thompson, Joseph Parrish, D.D., LL.D. His Father.

See " I. and P.," First Series, p. 568.

Thompson, Rev. Thomas. An Eng- lish Missionary. An English clergyman ; vicar of Reculver, Kent.

Thompson, Thomas Perronet. A Member of the Universitij of Cambridge.

See " I. and P.," First Series, p. 569.

Thompson, William, 1811-80. Ben- digo. An English prize fighter; d. at Bectson, Notts.

'Thompson, Mrs. William, about 1846-86. Clara Belle. An American writer of New York City.

Thompson, William Gill. W. G. T. An English poet of Newcastle('().

Thomson, Charles, 1729-1824. The Man of Truth; The Sam. Adams of Phil- adelphia. An eminent American states- man ; b. in Ireland ; came to this country in 1740 ; secretary of the Old Continental Congress, 1774-83 ; d. in Philadelphia.

Thomson, George. Thiacus Scotns- Agricola.

See " I. and P.," First Series, p. 509.

Thomson, James, 1700-48. A Frlind of the Author. \ Scottish poet ; b. at Ednam, Roxburgshire ; educ. at the gram- mar school at Jedburgh, and the Univ. of Dublin ; in 1725 settled in London ; d. at his cottage in Kew-foot Lane, Richmond.

Thomson, Rev. John. A Member of the Said Synod. An American dissent- ing minister of Pennsylvania early in the eighteenth centurj'.

Thomson, John W. James Bogardus. An American architect of New York City.

James Boff.irdus was an eminent buHder of New York City, tbe inventor and first liiiilder