Page:Initials and pseudonyms, second series (Cushing).djvu/32

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C. Charles Caldwell. To Mr. S. the reviewer. P. 1816.

C. H. Herbert, Earl of Carnarvon. A vindication of the Earl of Carnarvon's assertion respecting the expenses of tlie war . . . L. 1801.

C, His Ex— y the L. C. His Excel- lency the Lord Curterel. The little beau [P. Walsh] 's; petition to . . . against the young ladies of Dublin. Dublin, 1728.

C, Lord. Lord Craven. The heroic «pistle of [W. Coombe] answered by ... L. 1776.

C, Miss. Miss Cornish. (1)

Echoes of our childhood. By . . . 1865. — (2) Northwode priory. By... 18-37.

C., Mrs. 3Irs. Cornish. Alcestis,

etc. 1873.

C, A. Mrs. A. Chambers. Adventures of an old post chaise, n.p., n.d.

C, A. Adam Clarke. (1) A biblio- graphical dictionary . . Manchester, 1802-6. — (2) Memoir of Mrs. Mary Cooper, of London ... L. 1814.

C, A. Andrew Cumpsty. A new al- manack for . . . 1708. 1708.

C, A. Archibald Constable. The po- etical works of Robert Burns . . . To which is prefixed a sketch of his life by . . . Edinb. 182-3.

C, A. Alexander Cruden. The Lon- don citizen exceedingly injured ... L. 1739.

C, A., One of the Suffering Clergy there. Andrew Cant. A sermon on . . . the anniversary of the martyrdom of K. Charles I. By . . . Edinb. 1711.

C, A. B. Alonzo Bowen Chapin. Tlieology of linguistics. 1853.

C, A. C. Arthur Cleveland Coxe. (1) Signature to poetry in the " Amer. Monthly Mag.," 1836-87. — (2) An apol- <igv for the common Englisli Bible . . . Bait. 1857.

C, A. D. Augustine David Crake. (1) vEmilius : a tale of the Decian and Va- lerian persecutions, etc. L. 1871. — (2) The bread of life. L. 1869. — (3) The garden of life ... By . . . L, 1873. — (4) Simple prayers : a manual . . . Edinb. 1870. — (5) Simple prayers for school boys. Oxf. 1867.

C, A. F. Miss A. F. Childe. Good out of evil. Edited. L. 1852.

C, A. J. Albany .lames Christie. Of- ficiuni eucharisticum, etc. Edited. L. 1843.

C, A. K. Antoinette K. Crichton. Little Nettie's journey, 1877; Violet's victory, 1877.

C, A. P. Agnes P. Carter. Songs in the wilderness. By . . . L. 1845.

C, A. W. Sir Augustine Wall CallcoU. Description of . . . Giotto's chapel in Padua. [With engravings from draw- ings by ... ] 1835.

C, A. W. H. Anson William Henry Cartwright. The charitable administra- tion of an East End mission. By . . . L. 1872.

C, B. Bracy Clark. (1) Some ac- count of the circulation of the blood in the foot of the horse. By . . . L. 1842. — (2) (.)n the vices of horses. By . . . L. 1839.

C, B., and others. Benjamin Col- man, William Cooper, and ol/icrs. The doctrine of pi-edestination with a.

preface. By ... B. 17 — .

C. C. [Cuthbert Cudgel]. T. Hous- ton. An ode to avaricf, 1800('i^).

C, C. Caleb Cushing. (1) Italian lyr- ical poetry in the " United States Liter- ary Gazette," May 15, June 15, July 1, Aug. 15, and Sept. 1, 1825; and Sept., 1826. — (2) The study of botany, in the " United States Literary Gazette," May 1, 1825, p. 103.

C, C. C. C. C. Chapman. Scientific amusements. By ... P. 1844.

C. C. C. A D. A. [Car. Cordeli

Coll. Angl. Diiac. Aluiun]. Charles Cordeli. The divine office for the use of the laity. Sheffield, 1703.

C, C. F. O. F. Chamier. The land assessment and landed tenures of Canara. Mangalore, 1853.

C, C. Ij. Hon. Charles Leslie Courte- nay. Devotions for daily use. L. 1875.

C. D. Mrs. Sophia Elizabeth de Mor- gan. Erom matter to spirit . . . By . . . L. 1863.

C, D. F. Daiiid Francis Condie. Re- view of Nathan Allen's works ... P. 1871.

C, D. P. Drummond Percy Chase, M.A. A plea for Lord John Craven . . . Oxf. 1857.

C, B. Edmund Curll. The life of John Gay ... L. 1733. — (2) The life of ... R. Price ... L. 1734. — (3) The life of that eminent comedian Robert Wilks.Esq. L. 17.33.— (4) Memoirs . . . of Matthew Tindall ... L. 1733. — (5) The rarities of Richmond ... L. 1736. (6) Some account of the life of Walter Curll [Bishop of Winchester]. L. 1712.

C, E. Elizabeth Craven, Baroness Cra- ven, afterwards Margravine of Anspach- Baireuth. (1) The miniature picture : a comedy, etc. L. 1781. -- (2) Mod- ern anecdotes of the ancient family of theKinkervankotsdarsprakengotchderns, etc. L. 1779. — (3) The robbers : a, trag- edy . . L. 1799.