Page:Initials and pseudonyms, second series (Cushing).djvu/36

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O*****^ H****, Esq. [Carevv, Huffli]- Pierre des Maiseaux. The survey of Cornwall ... By R. Carew, with the life of the author. By . . . 1723.

C*****^ Sip wr******. S('r William Curtis, Bart. The recantation : a poem, inscribed to . . . L. 1818.

C*tl*y, Miss. Anne Calley. A brief narrative of the life of . . [afterward wife of General F. Lascelles] . L.


C P D, E of. Philip

Dormer Stanhope, Earl of Chesterfield. The . . . 's speech in the H[ou]se of L[or]ds, against the bill for licencing all dramatic performance . . . Dublin, 1749.

C H, liord. Lord Castle-

reagh. The botanical basket ; or, satiri- cal seedlings for political plants; sup- posed to be the purport of a letter written by . . to the Right Honourable G. C g [Canning], while on the con- tinent. [In verse.J L. 1820.

C g, Right Honourable

G. Rt. Hon. Georqe Canning. — See "C H, Lord."

C , Commodore Alderman.

Sir William Curtis, Bart. Dispatches from ... L. 1809.

C Sir W Sir Wil- liam Curtis. Munchausen at Walcheren . . . and the particulars of a wonderful turtle-feast with ... L. 1811.

C 1, C s. Charles

Churchill. An epistle to the Irreverend Mr. . . in his own style and manner. L. 1764.

C n, Sir N 1. Sir

Nathaniel Curzon. A summary view of ecclesiastical jurisdiction . . . Writ for the perusal of . . . 1737.

C - - 1, Mr. Ed d. Edmund

Curlt. Hereditary right exemplified ; or, a letter of condolence from ... L. 1728.

C T Ballad. Cabinet Ballad.

A new . . . [on J. Carteret, Earl Gran- ville, and the change of ministry in January, 1742. By Lord Hervey]. Dub- lin, 1742.

O , Ellen. Mrs. Ellen Cullei/ Owen.

Poems. By . . . L. 1855.

C , Kev. W. /i,r. William Cole. A

key to the Psalms, etc. L. 1788.

C— d. Sir. William Coward{'>). A Lenten litany, by . . L. 1698.

C— ffe, C— s. Charles Coffey. The history of Martin ... to which is added, a dialogue between A P — e [Alex- ander Pope] . . . and . . . poets, in St. James's Park. L. 1735.

C— ks. Sir K— d. Sir Blchard Cocks. Sir . . . his farewell sermon ... L. 1722.

C — ly, Mrs. Mrs. Jane Chobnondeley. — See "C— ly, E., Esq."

C — ly, E.,Esq. Edward Clmlmondeley. The adventuress \_i.e. Mrs. Jane Cholmon- deley {Mrs. C — ly)'] ; or, the lady's flight from Scotland Yard, etc; 1725.

C— t, H. W., D.D. Henry William Coulthurst. A sermon preached before the University of Cambridge, by . . . translated into English metre by H. W. Hopkins. L. 1796.

Cabin Passenger, A. Robert MliyteC'). Voyage to Quebec in an Irish emigrant vessel. B. 1848.

Cabriolo. Arvid Axelsson. Svarta och hvita streek. Sthlm. 1884.

Cactus. Mary F. Foster.

Cadmus. .Tohn C. Zaclios,

Cad-walader, George, Gent. George Bubb Dodington. The remembrancer. By ... L. 1748.

Cselion, John. John Hervey Farnham. 1872.

Csesar, Cajus Julius. Joseph Linck. A Swedish journalist.

Calus. William Pinkney. A few remarks on Mr. Hamilton's last letter . . . By . . . Bait. 1800.

Caius. Donald Grant Mitchell, !^fotes by the road. "Amer. Whig Rev.," 1846-47.

Calcraft, John William. John William Cole. The bride of Lammer- moor: a drama in five acts. Edinb. 1822.

Ca-lix-tus. G. Isudvig Tornberg. A Swedish author.

Callico Quaker, The. .Tohn Eggles- ton. — See "The Norwich Quaker."

Calvinist, A. Robert Knight. The meeting of truth and error ... L. 1856.

Cambridge Master of Arts, A. Ed- ward Feilde. The Psalms of David, metrically paraphrased . . . By ... L. 1844.

Cameron, Kate. Kate D. W. Barnes.

Camp, Phineas. W. N. Duane. Poems of the Mohawk Valley, etc. Uti- ca, N.Y., 1869.

Campagiuator. Dr. Bush. Priest- hood and clergy unknown to Christianity ; or, the church a community of co-equal brethren. P. 1857.

Cainpana. Frederick Richard Chi- chester, Earl of Belfast. A spirit's wander- ings : a tale, December, 1852 ; and Twelfth Day at Cannes, February, 1853 ;. in the " Northern Magazine."