Page:Initials and pseudonyms, second series (Cushing).djvu/43

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pendium theologicum; or, manual for students . . . By . . . Camb.. 1852.

Clergyman, A. Daniel Wilson, A defence of the church missionary society ... L. 1818.

Clergyman, A. Rev. Solomon Pig- gott. A father's recollection of three pious young ladies [Miss Brown, M. Pig- gott, and E. Piggott]. By . L. 1831.

Clergyman, A. Rev. Henrt) Tripp. Hymns for young and old . . . Selected by . . . L. 1858.

Clerg-yman, A. Rev. George Walher. Hymns translated or imitated from the German ... By . . . L. 1860.

Clergyman, A. Rev. James Edward Dalton. Infant baptism . . . By . . . Camb. 1841.

Clergyman, A. Rev. Frederic Gardi- ner. The island of life. B. 1850.

Clergyman, A. Rev. Hardy.

A letter from ... to one of his parish- ioners, who was inclined to turn Metho- dist .. . L. 1753.

Clergyman, A. Thomas Vbwler Short. Letter to an aged mother ; by . . . L. 1841.

Clergyman, A. Rev. A. Bamsay. A letter to the Eight Hon. the Earl

of , concerning the affair

of Elizabeth Canning. By ... L. 1753.

Clergyman, A. Abraham Hume. Missions at home ; or, C.'s account of a portion of the town of Liverpool. 1850.

Clergyman, A. Bev. Artemas Bowers Muzzei/. The moral teacher ... By . . . N.Y. 1839.

Clergyman, A. Mev. Basil Woodd. The old man's monitor ... L. 1852.

Clergyman, A. James Williamson, M.A. Opinions concerning the Uni-' versify of Oxford, and subscription to the thirty-nine articles. By . . . L. 1774.

Clergyman, A. Rev. Thomas Lancas- ter. A plan of education ... By . . . L. 1797.

Clergyman, A. John Charlesworth, B.D. Providential deliverance ; a nar- rative of facts. By . . . L. 1833.

Clergyman, A. Rev. William Mac- kenzie. The pyramid and the Bible . . . By . . . Edinb. 1868.

Clergyman, A. Rev. Robert Norton. Keasons for believing that the Lord has restored to the church, apostles and prophets. By , . . L. 1852.

Clergyinan, A. Bev. Robert Grant. Eeminiscenees of . . . during a, ministiy

of forty years in a country parish. L. 1873.

Clergyman, A. Rev. William ,/uliii Edge. Hevision of the liturgy. A cor- respondence between . . , and a layman [R. Tooth], both of the Established Cliureh, etc. L. 1861.

Clergyman, A. Rev. Thomas Todd. Scriptural reasons for not co-operating with the Britisli and Foreign Bible So- ciety ... By . . . L. 1853.

Clergyman, A. Rev. William Marsh. Select passages from the sermons and conversations of . . . By one of his hearers. Colchester, 1823.

Clergyman, A. Rev. Bichard Can- ning. A short answer to a pamphlet [by C. Owen], called "plain reasons for dis- senting from the Church of England." By , . . Ipswich, 1740.

Clergyman, A. Rev. James Coffin. Sixty-eight letters from the Rev. John Newton . . . to . . . and his family . . . 1791-1801. L. 1844.

Clergyman, A. Bev. Thomas Davis. Songs from the parsonage. By ... L. 1843.

Clergyman, A. Rev. Thomas Heath- cote Tragett. Sorrow in the hamlet . . . L. 1857.

Clergyman, A. Rev. W. Gillmor. The spirit of dissent towards the Church of England, clearly proved in a letter from ... to his parishioners. Halifax, 1844.

Clergyman, A. Rev. Arthur Philip Perceval. Suggestions for the relief of British commerce. By . . L. 1848.

Clergyman, A. .foseph W. Niblock, D.D. The textuary and ritualist . . . By . . . L. 1835.

Clergyman, A. Bev. William Dal- gleish. Tiie true sonship of Christ in- vestigated ... By . . . L. 1776.

Clergyman in Debt, A. Rev. Fred- erick W. N. Baijlei/. Scenes and stories by . . . L. 1835.

Clergy-man In the City, A. Rev.

John Swinfen. The reasons of the ab-

'senting clergy for not appearing at St.

Paul's on Monday, August 21, 1710 . . .

L. 1710.

Clergyman of Massachusetts, A. Enoch Pond, D.D. Eternity of future punishment of the wicked illustrated and proved, in a letter to a friend, by . . . Worcester, Mass., 1819.

Clergyman of Massachusetts, A. Bev. Perez Fobes. A Scripture cati- chism ... By . . . Cambridge, Mast-., 1804.