Page:Initials and pseudonyms, second series (Cushing).djvu/73

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"Southern Quar. llcv.," October, 1863, p. 450.

G. William Oldys. Various lives in the " Biogmpliia Britannica," with the signature " G," tlie initial letter of Gray's Inn, where he once lived.

G., A. Agnes Giberne. (1) Among the mountains ; or, the Harcourts at Montreux. L. 1804. — (2) Mabel and Cora ; or, the sisters of Stoneycroft Hall. By . . . L. 1865.

G., A. Alfred Greenough. Baccalau- reate hymn for the class of 1865. Camb., Mass., 1805.

G., A. Alexander Gardner. Morisoni- anism refuted. Paisley, 1852.

G., A. T. Albert T. Gellerstedt. Dikter af. Sthlm. 1881.

G.,B. Benjamin 6rosvenor,D.D. Some account of the late inclinations to popery. By . . . L. 1717.

G., B. A. Benjamin Apthorp Gould, Jr. Herschel's outlines of astronomy. In the "Christ. Exam." (B.), 1849.

G. B. O. D. These letters were adopted by .U.I/. P. Gustave Brunei and .Joseph Oc- tave Delepierre, in their contributions to various Paris periodicals. The letters, besides forming their respective initials, are also a play upon the word " G^^ode " ; and several articles by these authors are also signed "Les Freres Gebe'ode'."

G. C. William Coward. Absalon et Achitophel : carmine Latino heroico. [Trans, by . . .] L. 1682.

"G. C," The [The Grand Cordon]. Victor Chevalleij de Riraz. "The Queen" recipes. Bv. . . L. 1881.

G., C. E.H. Edward H. Ges- trin. Vacation labors, by . . . Montpe- lier, Vt., 1879.

G-, C. F. Mrs. Catherine Frances {Grace) Gore. Modern chivalry; or, a new Orlando Furioso. L. 1843.

G., E. of C. George Mackenzie, Earl of Cromarty. Synopsis Apocalyptica . . . By . . . Edinb. 1708.

G., E. B. Edward Burnaby Greene. Critical essays. L. 1770.

G., E. S. Ezra Stiles Gannett, B.T).

(1) Signature in the "Christ. Exam." —

(2) Correction. "New England Mag.," Vol. IV., p. 407.

G., F. B. F. B. Gardera. Le lecteur fran^ais de la jeunesse. Northampton, 1826.

G., F. T. Frederick Turell Graij, in the "Christ. Exam." (B.), 1850,

G., G. Georg Gothe, a Swedish author.

G., G. af. Gnstaf af Geljerstam, a Swedish author and journalist.

G., G. W. George Washington Greene.

(1) In the "Christ. Exam." — (2) Transla- tion from Petrarch. "NewEngland Mag.," Vol. VII., p. 470, 1834.

G., Gustaf. Giislaf Gullberg, a Swe- dish author and journalist.

G., H. Henry Giles, in the " Christ. Exam."

G., H. Rev. Henri/ Gregori/. — See " Ki'ctor, The."

G., H. F. Hannah Flngy Gmild. (1) The fly's revenge. " New England Mag.," Vol. I., p. 519. — The lost kite. Vol. IV., p. 50. — The spouting horn. Vol. IV., p. 158. — (2) The little blind boy. "Amer. Monthly Mag.," March, 1830, p. 244.

G., H. S. //. S. Grosrenor. Aunt Sa- rah's sketches. B. 185-.

G., J. John (rni/. The present state of wit, in a letter to a friend ... L. 1711.

G., J. B. James Bradsfrect Greenonqh. Queen of hearts : a dramatic fantasia, by ... B. 1885.

G., J. H. J. H. GIblion, in the "Christ. Exam." (B.), 1851.

G., John. John Garnett. Seaman's desiderata. With additions by . . . New Brunswick, N.J., 1801. By Henry Clarke, LL.D.

G. jti. B. O. C. George, Lord Bishop of Cloyne [i.e. Bishop Berkeley]. Siris: . . . concerning the virtues of tar water ... By . . . Dublin, 1744.

G.M.B. [Green Mountain Boy]. Henry Stevens, F.S.A. His favorite title.

G., K. Richard Gough. (1) Account of a rich illuminated missal executed for John, Duke of Bedford, etc. L. 1794. —

(2) British topography. . . L. 1780. —

(3) The customs of the Israelites ; trans, from the French of the Abbot Fleury, by ... L. 1750. — (4) A short genealogical view of the family of Oliver Cromwell ... L. 1785.

G., K., Jun. Richard Gough. The history of the Bible. Translated from the French. L. 1747.

A juvenile production — he was only twche years old — of tile eminent antiquary, Mr. Gough. (July twenty-live eopies were printed.

G., S. Samuel Gilman, D.D., in the "Christ. Exam."

G., W. W. Greene. Calhoun's report on the Jlemphis Memorial. "Amer. Whig Rev.," January, 1848, p. 15.

G., W. William Greene. "The Fish- er's Call " for 1827. Newcastle, 1827.

The vei^eea were written hy V\ . Cr.

G., W. Wayne Gridley. Slavery in the South: a review . . . Charleston, 1845.

G., W. William Gregory. Vacation trifles. By . . . Bath, 18- .