Page:Initials and pseudonyms, second series (Cushing).djvu/85

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the 10th N.Y. Cavalry. By . . . Albany. 1865.

His Father. Willimn Johnson Bacon. Memorial of William Kirkland Bacon . . . By . . . Utica, N.Y., 1863.

His Father. Clark. Payson, a

model boy ; or, recollections of J. P. W Clark. By . . . L. 1865.

His Father. Joseph Parrish Thomp- son. The sergeant's memorial. By . . N.Y. 18G3.

His Foster-Father. J. D. Pound. The echo of truth to the voice of slander; or, Jolm B. Gough's early history. By . . . X.Y. 1845.

His Friend in Orkney. Thomas Hepburn. A letter to a gentleman [George Paton] from ... L. 1760.

His Grace the Archbishop of Dub- lin. William King, D.D. Divine pre- destination and foreknowledge consis- tent with the freedom of man's will : a sermon . . . 1709 . . By ... L. 1727.

His Great-Granddaughter. Sarah Nicholas Randolph. Domestic life of Thomas Jefferson. Comp. . . by . N.Y. 1871.

His Mother. Mrs. M. Fergus. Nearer to Jesus : memorials of Robert Walter Fergus. By . . . L. 1870.

His Representative. Sir William Lemon, Bart. Thoughts on the present crisis, in a letter from a constituent to . . . By William Peter, in the " Pamphleteer," 1816, pp. 216-80.

His Reviewer. B. U. Campbell. Re- marks of the " United States Catholic Magazine" on the discussion between Hon. J. P. Kennedy and . . . By Michael Courtney Jenkins. Bait. 1846.

His Sister. Anne Mozlei/. Letters [of James B. Mozley]. Edited by . . . L. 1884.

His Sister. Afrs. Elizabeth Bonhote. Rambles of Mr. Frankley. By . . . L. 1773.

His Son. Thomas Hood, Jr. — See "His Dau<,'hter," Mrs. F. P\ (H.) Broderip.

His Son. John Barnett, the Younger. " Faithful unto death." Memorials of John Barnett [the elder] ... of Blaby . . . Edited by . . . 1878.

His Son. Rev. Benjamin Carvosso. The great efficacy of simple faith in the atonement of Christ, exenvplified in a memoir of Mr. William Carvosso, sixty years a class leader in the Wesleyan Methodist connexion. Written by him- self, and edited by . . L. 1835.

His Son. Richard Harris Dalton Bar- ham. The life and letters of the Rev.

Richard Harris Barham ... By . L 1870.

His Son. George Crahbe, Jr. The poetical works of George Crahbe, with his letters and journals, and his life. By ... L, 1834.

His Son. Benjamin Sai/. A short compilation of the life and writings of Thomas Say. By . . . P. 1796.

His Son. Rev. Francis Charles Hinges- ton-Raiidolph. The poems of Francis Hingeston. Edited by . . . L. 1857.

His Son-in-Law. Edward Dorr Grif- fin Prime. Forty years in the Turkish empire : a memoir of William Goodell. By . , . N.Y. 1876.

His Son-in-Law. Valerg Radot. Louis Pasteur: his hfe and labors. By . . . L. 1885.

His Son-in-Iiaw. William Lamb Bet- lows. Memoir of John Strickland, a local preacher of the Wesleyan connexion, late of East Holme, near Wareham, Dorset. By . . . L. 1838.

His Uncle. Thomas Grant. A boy in the swellings of Jordan ; or, the child in the conflict with death. By . . . Eilinb. 1855.

His Widow. Eleanor W. Campbell. Biograpliical sketches, with other literary remains [by John Wilson Campbell]. Compiled by. . . Columbus, Ohio, 1838.

His WidOAV. Emily Behe. The late Dr. C. [Charles Tilstone] Beke's dis- coveries of Sinai in Arabia and of Mid- ian. Edited by . . . L. 1878.

His Widow, itrs. Lucy (Bakewell) Audubon. The life of John James Au- dubon the naturalist. Edited by N.Y. 1869.

His Widow. Mrs. 3tary Jane Vasey. The life of Thomas Vasey. By ... ij. 1874.

His Widow. Frances Waddington, Baroness Bunsen. A memoir of Baron Bunsen ... By . . . 1868.

His Widow, il/i-s. S. M. Barclay. Sermons. By Robert Barclay [of Tot- tenham] . . . Edited by . . . L. 1878.

His Widow. Helena Beerher Bayly. Songs, ballads, and other poems. By the late T. H. Bayly. Edited by . . L. 1844.

His Widow. Mrs. Anne Elisabeth (^ilacCaid) Finn. Stirring times; or, records from Jerusalem consular chron- icles of 1853 to 1856. By the English consul [James Finn]. Edited and com- piled by . . . L. 1878.

His Widow. Mrs. Lucy Maw. A tribute to the memory of Thomas Maw. By . . . L. 1850.