Page:Initials and pseudonyms, second series (Cushing).djvu/88

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library, prints, and books of prints, of ... L. 1819.

Imhof, Joseph. Joseph Bm-kard Leu.

Impartial Hand, An. Rev. William Ashdowne. (1) The distinction between the ordinary and extraordinary gifts of the Holy Spirit. By . . . 1768. — (2) On the true character of John the Bap- tist. By . . . Canterbury, 1767.

Impartial Hand, An. Thomas Camp- bell. The order of the primitive churches ... L. 1719.

Impartial Inquirer, An. Andrew Wilson, MM. Short observations on the principles and moving powers as- sumed by the present system of phi- losophy. By . . . 1764.

Impartial Observer, An. John Corry. Strictures on the expedience of the Addingtonian extinguisher . . . By ... L. 1811.

Impartialis. William Plumer(%"). Ad- dress to the electors of New Hampshire. Portsmouth, N.H., 1804.

Imperial Ben, etc. Benjamin Disra- eli, Earl of Beaconsfield. L. 1879.

Satirical verses by .1. G. Ashioorth.

Incog. Bishop Thomas Perci/, D.D. Letter dated April 10, 1790, ' in the " Percy and Nichols Correspondence." " Illustrations of Literature," Vol. 8, pp. 84-87.

Incumbent of Wormegay and Tot- tenhill, Norfolk, The. Willliam Henry Henslowe. Facts and tracts in evidence of the apathy, dereliction, and degrada- tion of the national clergy. By ... L. 1844.

Independent, An. Edwin Doak Mead. The case of Mr. Blaine ... B. 1884.

Independent, An. John Hall-Steven- son. A pastoral puke : a second sermon preached before the people called Whigs. By . . . L. 1764.

Independent Gentleman, An. John Symmons. Thoughts on the present prices of provisions . By . L.


Independent Teacher of the truth. An. John Hall-Stevenson. A pastoral cordial ; or, an anodyne sermon ... L. 1763.

Independent Whig, An. Thomas Gordon. The creed of . . . L. 1720.

Indian Agent, An. Captain D. C. Poole. Among the Sioux of Dakota. Eighteen months' experience as N.Y. 1881.

Indian Theist, An. Kesavachandra Sena. True faith. By . . . Calcutta, 1879.

Inexperienced Clergyman, An.

Samuel Adams Devens. Sketches of Martha's Vineyard, etc. By ... B. 1838.

Ingenious Antiquary, An. W. Onley. Robin Hood ; the noble birth and gallant achievements, etc. Newly collected by . . . L. 1827.

Inglese, Un. E. C. Hawtrey, Scherzi metrici da ... L. 1835.

Inhabitant of His Majesty's Iiee-

\rard-Caribbee Islands, An. liev.

Robertson. Letter to Edmund Gibson

. . from ... L. 1730.

Innes, Alexander, D.D. Archibald Campbell, D.D. APETH-AOriA ; or, an enquiry into the original of moral virtue. Westminster, 1728.

Inquirer, An. W. Cuninghame. Re- marks upon David Levi's Dissertation on the prophecies relative to the Mes- siah . . By . . . author of " Letters, &c." . . in the " Christian Observer," signed " Talib." L. 1810.

Inquirer, An. A. P. Happer. The state of religion in China. By . . . Shanghai, 1881.

Inquisitor. G.Amsinck. The brewer's annual for 1841 . By . . . L. 1840.

Inside Passenger, An. William Jer- dan. Personal narrative of a journey over-land from the Bank to Barnes, by way of Piccadilly ... By . . . L. 1829.

Inspector of Schools, An. Rev. John David Glennie. Hints from . . . Char- ing Cross, 1856.

Inspired Idiot, The. Oliver Gold- smith. So called by Horace Walpole.

Instructer, The. William Bentley Fowle. (1) A catechism of English grammar ... By . . . B. 1823. — (2> Pirst biennial report of the trustees and ... of the Boston Monitorial School. B. 1826.

Intimate Friend of his, An. Wil- liam. Seward. Recollections of some particulars in the life of the late Wil- liam Shenstone, Esq., in a series of let- ters from ... L. 1788.

Also ascribed to Richard Graves.

Invalid, An. C. Hume Douglas.

Searches for summer: showing the anti- winter tactics of . . . L. 1874.

Inventor of the Art of Printing in Dry Colours, The. William Kingston. The Kingstonian poems. By ... L. 1835.

Invernessicus. Lachlan Mackintosh, of Raigniore. Observations on objects interesting to the highlands of Scotland . . . Edinb. 1814.

Investigator. Robert Nares. Baga- telles ; or, poetical trifles, supposed by