Page:Insect Literature by Lafcadio Hearn.djvu/36

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The contents of this book are not arranged chronologically but according to the seasons in which the insects treated appear

"Butterflies," "Mosquitoes," and "Ants" are from "Kwaidan" (1904); "Story of a Fly" and "Fireflies" from "Kottō (1902);" "Dragon-flies" from "A Japanese Miscellany" (1901); "Semi" from "Shadowings" (1900); "Insect-Musicians" from "Exotics and Retrospectives" (1898); "Kusa-hibari" from "Kottō"; and "Some Poems about Insects" from "Interpretations of Literature " (1915). The last named work is, by the bye, one of the books which Prof. J. Erskine edited after Hearn's death, by synthesizing the note-book records of Hearn's lectures in the Tokyo Imperial University taken by certain classmates of mine and myself.


Kanazawa, Japan, November, 1920.