Page:Insectivorous Plants, Darwin, 1899.djvu/17

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Pages 298–319


Utricularia neglecta—Structure of the bladder—The uses of the several parts—Number of imprisoned animals—Manner of capture—The bladders cannot digest animal matter, but absorb the products of its decay—Experiments on the absorption of certain fluids by the quadrifid processes—Absorption by the glands—Summary of the observation on absorption—Development of the bladders—Utricularia vulgarisUtricularia minorUtricularia clandestina


Utricularia (continued).

Utricularia montana—Description of the bladders on the subterranean rhizomes—Prey captured by the bladders of plants under culture and in a state of nature—Absorption by the quadrifid processes and glands—Tubers serving as reservoirs for water—Various other species of Utricularia—Polypompholyx—Genlisea, different nature of the trap for capturing prey—[Sarracenia]—Diversified methods by which plants are nourished

