Page:Insectivorous Plants, Darwin, 1899.djvu/20

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262 Cohn and Caspary on Aldrovanda.
264 Mori on the neat of irritability in Aldrovanda.
269 Dural-Jouve on the function of certain glands in Aldrovanda.
289 Fraustadt, Penzig, and Pfeffer on the roots of Dionaea and


298 Batalin on the yellow-green colour of Pinguicula.
305 Batalin on the pits or depressions in the leaves of Pinguicula.
315 Pfeffer on the use of Pinguicula as rennet.
321 Kamienski on the absence of the root in Utricularia.
333 Schimper on the evidence of absorption of the products of decay in Utricularia cornuta.
349 Hovelacque, Schenk, and Schimper on the morphology of Utricularia montana.
360 Schimper on Utricularia cornuta.
367 Schimper on the evidence of absorption in Sarracenia.
367 De Bary on the vigorous growth of Utricularia when supplied with animal food.
368 Treub on Diachidia Rafflesiana.