Page:Insectivorous Plants, Darwin, 1899.djvu/70

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signs of a current could be seen within these ruptured cells. They had evidently been killed by the pressure; and the matter which they still contained did not undergo aggregation any more than that which had exuded. In these specimens, as I may add, the individuality of the life of each cell was well illustrated.

A full account may be given in the next chapter of the effects of heat on the leaves, and I need here only state that leaves immersed for a short time in water at a temperature of 120° Fahr. (48°.8 Cent.), which, as we have seen, does not immediately induce aggregation, were then placed in a few drops of a strong solution of one part of carbonate of ammonia to 109 of water, and became finely aggregated. On the other hand, leaves, after an immersion in water at 150° (65°.5 Cent.), on being placed in the same strong solution, did not undergo aggregation, the cells becoming filled with brownish, pulpy, or muddy matter. With leaves subjected to temperatures between these two extremes of 120° and 150° Fahr. (48°.8 and 65°.5 Cent.), there were gradations in the completeness of the process; the former temperature not preventing aggregation from the subsequent action of carbonate of ammonia, the latter quite stopping it. Thus, leaves immersed in water, heated to 130° 54°.4 Cent.), and then in the solution, formed perfectly defined spheres, but these were decidedly smaller than in ordinary cases. With other leaves heated to 140° (60° Cent.), the spheres were extremely small, yet well defined, but many of the cells contained, in addition, some brownish pulpy matter. In two cases of leaves heated to 145° (62°.7 Cent.), a few tentacles could be found with some of their cells containing a few minute spheres; whilst the other cells and other whole tentacles included only the brownish, disintegrated or pulpy matter.

The fluid within the cells of the tentacles must be in an oxygenated condition, in order that the force or influence which induces aggregation should be transmitted at the proper rate from cell to cell. A plant, with its roots in water, was left for 45 m. in a vessel containing 122 fluid oz. of carbonic acid. A leaf from this plant, and, for comparison, one from a fresh plant, were both immersed for 1 hr. in a rather strong solution of carbonate of ammonia. They