Page:Insects - Their Ways and Means of Living.djvu/370

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its ffothy texture. It soon sets into a jellylike substance, then becomes firm and elastic like soif rubber, and finally turns dry and brittle. The d'are of the egg laying depends on the latitude of the region the moths inhabit, varying flore the middle

Spm Bcpx Dov VF b An Fro. 16 5. The female reproductive organs of the moth of the tent caterpillar, as seen from the left side a, external opening of the bursa copulatrix; .4n, anus; b, opening of the vagina; Bcpx, bursa copulatrix; CIGI, colleterial glands, which form the substance of the egg covering; Dot', duct of the left ovary; upper ends of the ovarian tu bules; Rect, rectum; Res, reservoirs of the colleterial glands (CIGI); 8pro, spermatheca, a sac for the storage of the spermatozoa; ri. terminal strand of the ovary; I/g, vagina

of May in the southern States to the end of June or later in the north. While the eggs will hot hatch until the fol- lowing spring, they nevertheless begin to develop at once, and within six weeks young caterpillars may be round fldly formed within them (Fig. 166 B). Ech little caterpillar has its head against the top of the shell and its body bent U-shaped, with the tail end turned a little to one side. The long hairs of the body are all turned for- ward and form a rhin cushion about the poor creature, which for crimes yet uncommitted is sentenced to eight
