Page:Insects - Their Ways and Means of Living.djvu/395

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mouth opening. The saliva of the mosquito is injected into the wound from the tip of the hypopharynx, and the blood of the victim is sucked up to the mouth through the labro-hypopharyngeal tube. The labium (Lb} serres

F,c. 178. Mosquito larvae A, Atë'des atropalpus. 13, .¢nopheles punctipennis, the malaria mosquito larva c, respiratory tube; d, terminal Iobes; e, stellate groups of hairs that hold the larva at the surface of the water (fig. 181 A); f, spiracular area; P8p, spiracle

principally as a sheath for the other organs. It ends in two small lateral lobes, the labella, between which pro- ]ects a weak, median tonguelike process. When the mos- quito pierces its victim the base of the labium bends back- ward as the other bristlelike members of the group of mouth parts sink into the wound. blosquitoes of both sexes are said to feed on the sap of

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