Page:Insects - Their Ways and Means of Living.djvu/409

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muscles. The true sucking organ lies within the head (Pmi)) , and does hot differ in structure from that of other files. While our indictment of the files has applied thus far only to the insects in the mature form, there are species which, though entirely innocent of any criminality in their


? "-Lb C ? F?c. ?86. ttead and m?uth parts ?f the tsetse fly, Çlo??i?a ?, lateral ?iew ?f the head and wob?sds (Pr?) ?f Çlo??i?a ?alpali?, male B» cross-section ?f the wob?seis ?f Çlo??i?a]??ea (fmm V?gel), sh?wing the food canal (FC) ind??d by the labrum (L?) and labium (??), and e?ntaining the tubular hy?pharynx (H??y) through whieh the salira is in?eeted inm the w?und Ç, m?uth parts ?fÇlos?i?a ?alpali?? with the ?rts ?f the prob?seis separated. ?? basal swdling ?f the labium; ?, the labella, ?r terminal l?b? ?f the labium us? f?r «utting inm the skin ?f the ?ietim; ??, labium; ?m, labrum; Pl?, ma?illary palpus (the maxillae are la«king)? P??, m?uth pump

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