- Seventeen-year locust, see Periodical cicada
- Shield-bearers, 54
- Sleeping sickness, 349
- Slender meadow grasshopper, 54
- Snowy tree cricket, 65
- antennal marks, 66
- musical instruments, 57
- song, 66
- Soldiers of termites, 131
- Soma, 104, 304
- Somatic cells, 104
- Song of insects, 33, 34
- of cicada, 210-212
- crickets, 58, 60, 62-70
- grasshoppers, 30, 31
- katydids, 39, 41, 42, 43, 44, 47, 48, 49, 51, 53, 54
- of cicada, 210-212
- Spiracles, 13, 114
- Spirochetes, 340
- Stagmomantis carolina, 73
- Stimulus, 106
- Stomach, 109
- Stridulation, 33
- Striped ground cricket, 58-60
- song, 58, 59
- Syrphid flies, 177
- larvae feeding on aphids, 176, 177
- Sword-bearing conehead, 50
- song, 51
- Tabanidac, 320
- Tent caterpillar, 262
- behavior on leafless tree, 278, 279
- cocoon, 282
- egg, 263
- egg mass, 263, 264
- epidermis, 295
- fat-body, 292
- feeding habits, 270 272 273, 276
- Tent caterpillar, general external form, 285, 286
- head, 284, 285
- internal organs, 289-291
- jaws, 286
- jumping from trees, 280, 281
- manner of feeding, 277
- metamorphosis, 293
- molts, 275
- moth, 305
- newly-hatched, 265
- prepupal stage, 295
- propupa, 296, 297
- pupa, 298
- silk glands, 286
- press, 288
- spinneret, 286
- spinning cocoon, 282, 283
- structure and physiology, 283
- tents, 270
- weaving tent, 272, 273
- young, 262
- in egg, 312, 313
- Termites, 125
- Âme collective, 143
- castes, 131, 141, 142
- community life, 134
- destruction by, 129
- digestion of cellulose, 137
- egg laying, 150, 151
- food exchange, 144
- fungus grown for food, 148
- king, 134
- life history, 136-141
- males and females, 133
- nests aboveground, 148
- in trees, 148
- underground, 147
- queen, 134, 149
- Reticulitermes, 136
- short-winged form, 133, 140
- soldiers, 131
- tropical termites, 146
- winged form, 133
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