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  • Greene, Wm. B., his definition of money, 231.
    on merchandise money, 232.
    on mutual money, 232.
    and State banks, 246.
    his views expounded, 243, 244.
  • Guise, social palace at, 484-487.
  • Happiness, equal freedom necessary to, 137.
    liberty essential to, 41.
  • Harris, Wm. T., an incompetent teacher, 86.
    an unconscious Anarchist. 83.
    on State Socialism and Anarchism, 82.
  • Haskell, B. C., on H. George, 315-316.
  • Herald of Anarchy, error of, concerning prices, 258.
  • Herald, Boston, on "Bolting," 160.
  • Herbert, Auberon, compared to Ruskin, 470, 471.
    on crystalline customs, 310, 311.
    good work of, for liberty, 470.
    Ignores the money monopoly, 469-472.
    on interest, 208.
    "Politician in Sight of Haven," 469-472.
    on property in land, 310-312.
    his relation to Anarchism, 103.
    thinks interest useful, 210.
    on voluntary taxation, 371.
  • Homestead strike, N. Y. Sun on the, 453.
  • "Honorius." (See Appleton, Henry.)
  • Horn, W. T., cannot understand freedom, 406, 407.
    on competition, 404-406.
    on co-operation, 404,405.
    false ethics of, 406, 407.
  • Howells, William Dean, and his $10,000 novel, 170.
  • Hudspeth, W., ignorance of liberty, 377, 378.
    on State Socialism, 377, 378.
  • Human authority more to be feared than divine, 30, 31.
  • Hyndman, H. M., on the Manchester school, 379.
  • Ideas, political economists lack, 182.
  • Idleness, necessary, must be paid, ^03, .
  • Illinois law regarding juries, good features in, 442, 443.
  • Importance of Middlemen, 292.
  • Increase, capital's claim to, 183.
    (See also Interest.)
  • Increment. (See Unearned increment.)
  • Indemnity not rent, 303, 304.
  • Individual has no rights, 146.
    relation of the State to, 21-29
    sovereignty of the, 106.
  • Individual sovereignty has no alternative but authority, 376.
    the Open Court on, 131, 132.
  • Individualism, Appleton on, 107.
    conditioned by liberty, 110.
    importance of, 106-109.
    Jus not thorough in its, 152.
    misinterpretations of, 112.
    Wilde's road to, 379.
  • "Individualist," the, and the new abolition, 133, 134.
  • Individuality impaired by State Socialism, 8.
    the object of society, 83.
  • Industrial war, how to prevent, 460, 461.
  • Influences that work for morality, 57, 58,
  • Ingalls, J. K., argument against money, 270-272.
    on credit, 270,
    on free money, 269-271.
    on the purchasing price of labor, 270.
    on value, 269.
  • Ingersoll, Robert, on divorce, 165.
    on protection, 496.
  • Inquisition needed for the single tax, 354.
  • Institutions, interdependency of various, 143.
    (See also Social institutions.)
  • Insufficiency of free land, 355, 356.
  • Insurance and interest, 189.
    mutual, Atkinson on, 281, 282.
    and the State, difference between, 100, 101.
  • Intelligence without liberty, 137.
  • Interest, abolition of, 194.
    and civilization, 191-198.
    decrease of, 197.
    defence of, 180.
    definition of, 213.
    and discount, difference between, 212- 214.
    discussion between Proudhon and Bastiat on, 196, 197.
    Herbert thinks it useful, 210.
    and insurance, 189,
    low, how caused, 293.
    not dependent on private property, 218, 219.
    not paid for the use of capital, 219, 220.
    not the result of monopoly, according to George, 201.
    on money and other capital, 207.
    the price of credit under monopoly, 190, 191.
    rate of, how determined, 234.
    reduced by competition, 11.
    the result of monopoly, 197.
    and sale, difference between, 188.
    a tax levied by monopoly, 221, 222.
    a tax on transfer papers, 214.
    is unjust, 6.
    the viability of, 217.
    as viewed by To-day, 217-220.
    (See also Discount, Increase, Profits, Usury)
  • Interference, means of, must not be instituted, 104.
  • Invader, life of an, not sacred, 157.
  • Invader's desire to invade, 77.
  • Invaders, punishment of, 55.
  • Invasion, Anarchists enemies of, 52.
    by co-operative societies, 102, 103.
    child's right to immunity from, 144,
    conspiracy not necessarily an, 154.
    how determined, 71, 72.
    not easily defined, 81.
    of government, 23.
    prohibition of, 167.
    resistance to, 69-80.
    resistance to the antithesis of government, 57.