Page:Interesting particulars of the last moments, and execution, of Moses M'Donald.pdf/5

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During his imprisonment here every proper indulgence was allowed him by the Magistrates, and much kindness shown by many of the inhabitants of the place. The Ministers of the established Church and several of the dissenting Clergymen here were anxious to afford him instruction and assistance in his spiritual duties, and visited him daily for that purpose.

The last visit was the most painful of all to their feelings. At one' o’clock on Friday, Mr. Steel and Dr. Gilchrist, (their colleague Dr. Scott being absent on clerical duty) left the Council Chamber, where they had been to wait on the Magistrates, and went to the prison, where they were joined by Mr. Hercus, Minister of the Independant Congregation, and Mr. Bryan, Minister of the Methodist Congregration.

On entering the cell of the prisoner, they found with him his wife and three children, and one of the officers of the Town. His wife had placed herself at the upper end of the matrass, on which he lay fastened by the leg to a strong iron bar, and held his head on her lap. This, said he, is my wife. She is an honest woman; and has been a good and dutiful wife to me, though I have used her ill. Not one word did the poor woman utter. In silent agony she clasped him to her breast and kissed his forehead. He requested that the 44th Paraphrase

“Behold the Saviour on the Cross,”

and the 5th Hymn,

“The hour of my departure’s come;”

in the collection appointed by the Church of Scotland, should be sung. One of the Ministers prayed, and another read a letter, wrote to two malefactors under sentence of death by the Rev. James Harvey of the Church of England.

It was now two o’clock, and an order arrived for his removal from the cell, and for preparing him to be led out to execution. About twenty minutes past two he was brought out, and escorted to the Square, where a gibbet had been erected in front of the church.

Here several portions of the psalms and paraphrases