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Whereby a Man or Woman may know if they shall obtain the one they love.

To know this, which hath been held for great secret, put their Christian and Sirnames together, and consider what numbers in them, as the I stands for one; V for five,; X, for ten; L, for fifty; C, for a hundred; M, for a thousand; D, for five hundred, &c. write every letter on a separate piece of paper, roll them and put the billets into any thing, and then make them together; and in drawing, if the number of your names comes up to what it would, in so many billets which you put in for, you will be happy in your desire, but if a cross number arise, you will meet with many disappointments.

How a young Man or Woman may choose a good Husband or Wife.

The hair in this case is commonly very remarkable and most significant.

Black hair signifies the person rash, choloric, given much to quarrels and strife