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5. If a robin red breast comes fluttering to your window, and sings very pleasantly perching near it, denotes speedy marriage.

6. If a hare starts in your way and runs on your right hand, you will have success in love affairs; but if she cross you or runs on the left hand, it denotes you will be interrupted by others as rivals.

7. If swallows chatter merrily and sing in the chimney of the chamber where you lie, it denotes you will have many sweet hearts, and be kindly treated.

8. Bats fluttering at your window betoken misfortunes in love ———The croaking of ravens being the first thing you hear in the morning, denotes the same.

9. To meet a sow, on first going out in the morning, carrying straw in her mouth denotes that a maid or widow will soon be married, and be very fruitful in children.

10. To hear magpies chatter and flying about you as you walk abroad, denotes much strife and brawling in marriage.

11. If walking abroad with your sweet heart, you perceive a pair of pigeons encircle you round, it is a sign of marriage and happiness to ensue with contentment.

12. If one drops their garter, whe going to see their sweetheart, it denotes they will meet with a cold reception.