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to be given up to melancholy, and to be very tender, and of short life.

5. The letter B, upon the mount of Mercury, which is at the root of the little finger, denotes the party to rise to preferment by ingenuity and happy marriage.

6. The letter D, on the mount of the Moon, denotes the party to be kind and good-natured, and much beloved.

7. The letter G, in the plain of Mars, near the line of life, speaks the party to be of a violent temper, given up to anger, and threatens him or her with sudden or untimely death: However, to a woman it promises a husband that shall grow great in military affairs,———This much for the characters of this kind, on the hand.

1. If the Table Line be broad, fair, and well coloured; it signifies the party, if a man, will have ten wives; if a woman has many husbands, and lucky marriages.

Lines in the hand and their Significations (illegible text)elaing to Love, Marriage, business, &c.

2. If the Line of Life extends itself from the root of the fore finger, to the mount of the moon, or the brawn of the hand, it then denotes long life; but if it be cut short and divided by many crosses the contrary.