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you to rest assured that, in any event, any classified information that is disclosed is not an unauthorized disclosure today.

It is the committee's expectation, however, that neither the questions asked of you nor the answers that you provide or your counsel provide will require discussion of any information that is currently, or at any point could be properly classified under Executive Order 13526. As you no doubt know, EO 13526 states that, quote "In no case shall information be classified, or continue to be maintained as classified, or fail to be declassified" unquote, for the purpose of concealing any violations of law or preventing embarrassment of any person or entity.

If any of our questions can only be answered with classified information. We would ask you to inform us of that before you provide the answer, and we can as just the deposition accordingly.

Today's deposition is not being taken in executive session, but because of sensitive and confidential nature of some of the topics and materials that will be discussed, access to the transcript of the deposition will be limited to the three committees in attendance. You and your attorney will have an opportunity to review the transcript at a later date.

Now before we begin the deposition, I would like to go