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Secretary Kent, would you please stand and raise your right-hand to be sworn?

Do you swear or affirm the testimony that you are about to give is the whole truth and nothing but the truth?

THE WITNESS: I swear that the testimony I am about to give is the truth and nothing but the truth.

MR. GOLDMAN: Thank you. Let the record reflect that the witness has been sworn. But before we begin, Deputy Assistant Secretary Kent, now is the time for you to make any opening remarks.

MR. ZELDIN: Mr. Goldman, can we just go around the room and have everybody identify themselves?

MR. GOLDMAN: You want back? Why don't we start at the table here. Mr. Quigley.

MR. QUIGLEY: Mike Quigley from Illinois.

MS. SPEIER: Jackie Speier.

MR, SWALWELL: Eric Swalwell.

MS. SEWELL: Terri Sewell.

MR. ROUDA: Harley Rouda.

MR. RASKIN: Jamie Raskin, for Maryland.

MR. HECK: Denny Heck, Washington State.

MR. MALINOWSKI: Tom Malinowski, New Jersey.

MR. PHILLIPS: Dean Phillips, Minnesota.

MR. ROONEY: Francis Rooney, Florida.

MR. MEADOWS: Mark Meadows, North Carolina.